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Looking in the mirror, Hermione failed to hold back tears.

"Hermione they are almost ready for yo- why are you crying? You are marrying the love of your life today. You look beautiful." Ginny noticed her tears.

"I- I don't know, i'm just nervous i guess." Hermione sighed.

"Yeah probably. Anyways they are ready for you." Ginny ran back to her spot in "line"
Hermione took a deep breath

"Ok we can do this"

She started walking down the aisle and as he saw her soon to be husband waiting for her, she started crying again. She got to the end of the isle and took his hand.

"Its ok. We will legally be married in a few minutes so nobody can touch you but me" He whispered in her ear causing her to wince.

"Do you Ronald Bilius Weasley, take Hermione Jean Granger as your wife?"

"I do" He said

"And do you Hermione Jean Granger take Ronald Bilius Weasley as your husband?"

"I-" Hermione started.

"The next word is do" Ron smirked.

"I-" She looked around at the crowd and saw the one she truly loved sitting in the third row. He gave her a slight nod as if to say "go for it"

"I don't" Hermione suddenly got angry, which confused Ron

"Why would I want to marry a foul loathsome evil little cockroach who thinks he can control me." She yelled at him

"Its true" Blaise shouted, standing up.
"She told me everything last night"

"She told me that Ronald controls and manipulates her. He disrespects her and he even cheats on her all of the time." Blaise explained

"But i couldn't break up with him because he always threatened that he would kill everyone i truly loved' Hermione said looking at Draco.

"RONALD WEASLEY! HOW DARE YOU!" Molly Weasley screamed. She grabbed him by his ear and pulled him out of the building. They could all hear her shouting for miles.

Suddenly someone from the audience stood up. They walked up to hermione, whose back was turned as she was apologizing to the priest. They came from behind and wrapped their arms around hermione, causing her to jump. She turned around and came face to face with Draco.

"Why let a good wedding go to waste" He said as he got on one knee. And a few of hours later, Draco and Hermione Malfoy, drove off to their honeymoon.

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