chapter 1.

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"Big hip check coming from Sam on the storm's territory..",

       It was 12:01 pm and the game was ending. "Okay, Sam skates to the Storm's side of the ice and passes the puck to Kimari. Kimari takes it and passes back to Bennett.. she shoots, SHE SCORES!!!! AND THE GIANTS TAKE ANOTHER WIN IN THEIR 15 GAME WINNING STREAK!!!"

Interviewer's POV

"So Sam, how does it feel to win 15 games in a row with you having scored at least one goal each game?" The interviewer asked. " Well it's kinda cool to see how teamwork does actually make the dream work and how we all work together to win these games" Sam responded lying straight to the interviewer's face.

She was on the hockey team, The Giants. It was an all boys' team until she came into the picture. The boys on that team didn't like her there. Maybe it was because she was better than everyone else and it showed, or that maybe it was just that she was a girl stealing the spotlight from everyone. No one knew except those boys. After the game, Sam had to change in the boy's locker room because the girl's one is never open. She didn't mind it because they had a bathroom that she could change in. She preferred that over anything because of the boys on her team and the comments they made. "You're so ugly and so goddamn fat" "Why are you even here? You're a shit player" " Aye stay on the bench where you belong bud". They said all of these things so much that she started to believe it. Even though she would occasionally clap back with something like "Go dye your hair!", but it didn't make her feel better.

She became better with those comments. She always worked a little harder than everyone else. She stayed late after practice and worked out an extra hour because she wanted to fix herself, make herself perfect. And she did, but she didn't think so. She was faster than anyone on her team, in her state, and maybe even the country. She wasn't fat, she had more muscle than anyone else on her team. But since the boys didn't stop saying things, her thoughts didn't stop either. There are many people on the team. First we have Jake, Sam's ex. Plot twist he was the one who started it all. After they broke up they were always mean to each other and Jake got the whole team on his side of everything. So they all turned to assholes, except one. Tyler. He was nice but could also be mean. As the bullying continued, she never told anyone. Well, only one person knew and his name was Alex. Alex Turcotte. Her absolute best friend. They were basically twins, born on the same day, Alex was born an hour earlier than her. They spent so much time together as kids because of both parents. Sam's parents grew up with Alex's parents and they were always friends. Growing up they hung out all the time, even when Alex moved to a different part of the state. Even to this day they hung out almost every day. When told about all of this, he recommended something to her.

" Why don't you come join our team? I mean if we can convince your mom and dad to move to our area, I mean, you could switch schools and teams and just have the start over you have always wanted and the boys over there don't bite. I talk about you all the time and they really want to meet you and get to know you." Alex said. " Well okay, do you know how hard it's going to be to convince my mom and dad to move out of this place??? It's gonna be impossible" Sam  said, look at Alex.  ''Well you can at least try, like what's the harm in that?"Alex said to her with a hopeful smile.

2 Months Later

September is finally here. The 8th. IT'S MOVING DAY!!! Alex came over and helped move everything and then the day was over. After unpacking Sam and Alex hung out. "So practice, uhm you start tonight, so do you have everything?" Alex asked motioning toward her hockey bag. "Yeah but I'm scared, I don't want to go.." Sam said as she sat down on her bed. "YOU don't want to play hockey? " She gave him an annoyed glare," Okay, okay yeah I get it now but trust me, these guys aren't complete asshats, only sometimes they can be, but nothing to worry about."

At the rink.

"Ahaha yeah, Alex is bringing the new girl. I heard she's really good.." someone trailed off.

Sam's head spun, her heartbeat out of her chest, her stomach was doing some sort of witchcraft, and her legs bounced. When Alex's mom dropped them off, she got out of the truck too. She pulled Sam aside to talk to her. "Sam, I promise you, all these boys are sweethearts and will treat you perfectly. There's no need to worry about anything." She said, assuring Sam that everything was going to be fine. "Okay, okay thank you!" Sam said. " You're welcome honey, now go have a great first practice." Sam ran off after Alex. "Okay so we're doing this.. Oh my god were actually doing this. Wow." She said softly. " Hey stop stressing, you'll be fine" Alex said to her " You ready?" Alex said holding the door handle to the arena. "Yeah, Let's do this.." She said.

Hey y'alls. This is the first part of the book:). I hope y'all liked it - Hockeyhughes

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