chapter 3

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Sam's POV

As she laid on her bed she was listening to music. Just random songs on shuffle. " Well today was a success. But damn some of those boys are cuteee. But I can't. Alex would never let me and I don't think I could ever let myself. This is confusing. It's okay though. I wanna talk to someone. Alex. Imma see if he can hang out."

Normal POV

Sam picked up her phone and texted Alex.

S: Hey Alex can you hang

A: Yeah I'll come over in 5. Just need to finish something.

S: What do you need to finish???

A: The dishes and vacuuming.

Alex's POV

After practice

" Why couldn't we take Sam home today?" I said getting in the truck and putting his bag in the back. " Alex, I need to talk to you." Every single bad thing i have ever done went through my head. What did I do? Omg omg omg omg "Okay yeah what's up mom?" I asked. "You need to watch out for Sam. She might have boy trouble with the boys on her team and you know that." Mom said. " Yeah I know, I won't let her," I said. She would never do that though, would she? I don't know. Uhg. *beep, beep* Oh speaking of her, she texted me. "Okay I'm gonna talk to her."

Normal POV

Alex went over to Sam's house. His mind was racing. He even got a little jealous. What if, I don't know, maybe Trevor or Cole stole her from me? But they can't be her type. Maybe Jack??? No, no not jack. Well maybe. They seem to be getting along really well. Next thing you know, Alex was at Sam's doorstep. He wanted to put it to the test. Would she choose someone else over him or stay by his side? He went in. " Sam. I'm here." He yelled. She walked into the living room to a sleeping Sam. She was OUT. Practice might have killed her. We'll never know. " Sam wake up I'm bored." Alex said, shaking her awake. "What? Oh yeah okay yeah I'm up." "Can we invite Cole, Jack, and Trevor over too." Alex asked and picked up his phone, texting them. " Oh yeah sure. You sure?" Sam asked, walking to her room to get ready. She had on penguin pj pants and a Chicago Blackhawks shirt on. She just changed into grey sweatpants and came out with her hair brushed and mascara applied. It had been like 3 mins and they all showed up. 

"Damn that was really fast oh my god." Sam said closing the door. Jack just smiled at her. She smiled back. Trevor was already in the living room by the time Sam, Jack and Cole were in the house fully. " Holy shit, this place is really freaking nice." Trevor said with a smile on his face. " Yeah I guess you could say that" Sam said, turning to him. She missed the old house but liked this one. They all sat down and watched Monsters Inc. in the living room Alex sat on one side of the couch, Jack in the middle, Sam on the other side, and Cole and Trevor on the floor. Sam and Jack quietly whispered through the whole movie, but you couldn't really hear them, only the little giggles now and then. Alex looked over every 5 mins to make sure nothing was happening between the two. He was getting a little protective over her because of what happened last time. 

Jake took Sam away from Alex and they drifted apart for about 2 months. Also he didn't want it happening again to her. That broke her. She almost quit hockey, but she stayed strong and didn't. Thank god. Alex smiled and thought of her during that time. She was always looking on the bright side of things no matter what. As a door shutting snapped him back to reality he shook his head. Sam looked over at him and did a double nod which was secret code for " you okay?". He shook his head yeah and smiled.

 Sam's dad, Mike, walked into the living room. " Oh woah there are many boys in here. Alex what is this?" He asked and looked at Alex. Sam looked at her dad and laughed. " Dad meet Jack, Trevor and Cole, some of my new teammates." Sam said and smiled. " Okay well it's like 10 so are y'all staying over?" Her dad asked, looking around. " Uhm well second dad, I know I am." Alex said " If that's okay with you sir." Jack said as he looked at her dad. He smirked. He usually didn't get manners like that from boys. " Uhm Cole and I would like to stay too if that's okay with you sir." Her dad smiled. " Well since you are all very well mannered boys, I suppose I could let you guys stay. Were having a late night pizza. It's pepperoni. Sam I'll make yours too. You guys want any?" "I'll just have some of Sam's but thank you" Jack said smiling at her dad. " Trevor and I will have some pepperoni. And I'm assuming Alex will too." Cole said. Alex nodded. "Okay boys. It should be done in like 20 mins." her dad said walking into the kitchen. "Thank you sir" Jack shouted. "So what does your pizza have on it exactly?" Jack asked Sam. " Cheese, mushrooms, onion, and sausage." Alex smiled when he heard this. " Oh wow, that's Quinn's favorite pizza too." Jack said. After they all ate, they all went to bed. Alex, Trev, and Cole all slept on the floor and Sam and Jack shared the couch. 

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