chapter 4

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     As the months went by everyone got closer and closer with Sam, but she made sure that Alex and her were still the closest. She cancelled plans to be with him because she knew she meant a lot to him and he meant a lot to her. She changed a little bit. It was a good change. She was happy. She always made everyone else happy too. 

The season had started and they were undefeated. 11-0-0. She always made goals in the games, with again at least one goal a game. Jack always let her score too. They were on the same line along with Alex. The top line. She always wanted to be on the top line at Giants but she never could get up there because she was a girl. She was finally there. That line was unstoppable. In games they were always working together. As the weeks went by, their undefeated score grew, but so did the Giants' score. They were 16-2-3. The Storm's score was 20-0-0. Next friday they were going against each other. It was Thursday today and they were going against a team called the Rangers. They have beaten them before. Easy team, but Sam wasn't in the right mind set that game. They still won but she missed 10 shots. They rang off the post and went wide. She didn't score that game. In the locker room she didn't talk at all and left as soon as she could.

 " Hey honey, how was the game?" "It was good." She said, It was good. Again they won and everyone was happy. " That was a short answer. How many did you score tonight?" Her mom asked, looking at her. "None." She said blankly. "Ohh that's why you're so quiet. You'll score next- " Sam interrupted her "No I won't now can we please be done talking. I just want to go to bed." She said, her face was red and brimming with tears. "Oh okay honey, tell me when you feel better and we can talk about it then, okay?" Her mom said, turning into the driveway and parking.

 Sam just got out of the car, went into the house, and walked up to her room to shower. She didn't shower at the arena for obvious reasons. She took all her hockey padding off and put it on the floor and walked into her bathroom. She took everything else off and started the shower. She was not in the mood to do anything but the game really took her out. She turned on her speaker and looked at her phone to turn on her Bluetooth to see 3 missed calls from Alex and 4 texts from him, 5 missed calls from Jack and 6 texts from him, missed calls from Trevor, Johnny, Spencer, and almost everyone else. Cole texted her too. She ignored them and put her liked playlist on shuffle. No police by Doja Cat came on. One of her favorite songs. That was the first smile that night.

Johnny's POV

I barely knew Sam when she came here but we were friends now. We talked a lot and she was really pretty, really good at hockey too. She's really nice and is able to get the puck past the goal line no matter what. But tonight was different. She.. seemed off. I don't know what happened but as soon as we stepped out for warm-ups She wasn't doing well. She fell over and over again. Coach talked to her and he looked concerned. She did a bit better after that for warm-ups. That's it though. The game started and she just fell apart. She missed the goal 10 times tonight. We won and everyone was happy, but Sam wasn't. She sat down for every goal and in the 3rd when the buzzer went off. She was silent the whole game. In the locker room she didn't talk to anyone. Not even a single good job. She just took some stuff off and left without a word. I tried calling her and texting here and I knew that I wasn't the only one who noticed. No one said anything about it in the locker room but we all knew something was up. Alex looked pissed when she didn't give him their lucky hand shake. After the game he just looked worried. "Yo Alex, uhm, what's up with her?" I asked him. "I don't know. But I have an idea but I can't tell you." "Why couldn't he tell me? I'm her friend too." *Bing* Who's texting me. Oh shit, I forgot I had a girlfriend. I need to break up with her soon. I don't love her anymore and I can't keep pretending.

Alex's POV

"Hey Sam come here we gotta do it." I said holding my water bottle. Jack was talking to me and when I said that Sam looked in my general direction and skated away. " Sam? Hey dude come here!" I yelled across the rink to her. She was talking to the coach so she wouldn't hear me. Huh. Maybe she'll come over here in a bit. She was off today. But she never came over. She didn't even look at me. I knew something was up. I didn't know what but everything was weird. She fell 8 times during the first half of warm-ups. "Hey dude, what's up with Sam?" Cole asked me. "I don't know. She's never acted like this before. I mean, she was fine yesterday." I said looking at my stick on the bench. "Oh man, so that means that it's serious then huh?" Cole said looking down the ice at her. I looked too. She shot, rang off of the bar. "Shit."

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