chapter 5

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The boys were going to breakfast and Jack and Alex sat together. " Hey Alex? Uhm I gotta tell you something." Jack said . He was nervous. His voice sounded shakey. "Yeah sure, what's up?" Alex said, looking at him. The boys couldn't hear them over their own talking. " Okay so I like this girl.. An-" Alex cut Jack off. "WHO????" "I was about to tell you. But you can't be mad, okay?" Jack said looking down at the ground. "Uhm okay." Alex said. He knew what was coming and he was happy for Jack, but he was a bit mad. He didn't want him to break her heart or take time with her away from him. "So I like, uhm, yeah, wow okay... I like Sam." Jack said. As soon as he said that his face got bright red as he looked around the room. "Okay nice. I think you should talk to her more. She likes it when you talk to her a lot." Alex said, smiling at him. "Really? She does?" Jack said. "Yess she loves it, and you know, I know how you can get her to like you." Alex said with a smirk and looking at Jack with "that face". Jack looked at him, "How?" he said. "So basically just be there for her, but you're not taking her from me, and talk to her a lot. Respect her privacy, yes she may not have anything to hide but she likes space you know?" Jack looked up thankfully. He thought Alex was gonna get mad. "Okay thank Alex." Alex smiled and started talking in the conversation that all the boys were having. 

But there was one problem.

 Trevor was listening to all of this and he didn't like it. He was a very big mess of mad and jealous mixed with sadness. He was going somewhere today but he had time for breakfast in the morning with the boys. After he heard this he just got up and left. 

"Hey! Trev where are you going?" Jack asked getting up to go stop Trevor. "If you wanna fucking know come with me outside." Trevor said, annoyed. Jack looked back at the table and went outside with Trevor. "Okay hey dude what's up" Trevor looked at Jack the way he would if he was gonna punch someone square in the face, but Trev held it back. " You! Okay? You always get everything that I want! Like captain, you got that. Top line with Alex and Sam. You fucking got that too! Oh and now you like Sam, looks like you're gonna get that too. I'm so done with this bullshit! You always get everything you want and you never put anyone first, I would have given up my spot on the top line if you wanted it and you never once asked me if I wanted top line. And you're about to take away the only girl in my life I would actually love to have. You just get everything you want and I never can have anything in my life without you ruining it somehow." Trevor was almost crying at this point. Jack just stood there stunned, he was about to open his mouth to say something, but Trev cut him off. "No, I'm not doing this." he said and he was walking away. Jack watched him the whole time until Trev's mom got there to pick him up. Jack wanted to make sure Trev was safe until he got into the car. Then he went back inside to his beautiful chocolate chip pancakes. They weren't Sam's but they were good. Jack seemed off the rest of the day but no one caught on, thankfully.

It was now Saturday and they had practice. Everyone showed up but Trev went into the bathrooms when Jack came into the locker room. Jack sat next to Sam. They were laughing about something when Trevor came out. "Hey Trev, you got any tape? I left mine at home." Sam said looking up from tying her skate. "Yeah in my bag somewhere," Trev said walking by. "Thank youuu." She said smiling. "Yea," Trevor said. "What was that about?" she asked looking at Jack. "I'm not sure." That practice was just drills. Trev spaced himself from the whole team. And by the whole team I mean just Sam and Jack. Alex skated up to him. "Yo dude, what's up?" Alex asked him. It was a water break so they were allowed to talk. " Nothing. I'm good bro." Trevor said, but he didn't look up at Alex. He was lying and he was not going to let Trev get away with it this time. "Dude, okay, talk to me after practice," Alex said, going for a water bottle. "Okay," Trev said.

After practice

"Hey Trev, thank you for the tape." Sam said, smiling at Trev, taking her gear off. "Yeah anytime." He said walking away. "Okay what's up Alex?" Alex looked him dead in the eye, he was not going to lose this fight. "Somethings wrong. You've been acting weird for the past few weeks and no one knows why. I talked to Jack and Sam and everyone else. No one has a clue and I really wanna know what's bothering you so we can get our happy Trevor Zegras back..." Alex said, looking at him with a dead serious face. Trevor looked at him in a hopeless way. That type of look that you give someone when you feel there is no hope left for you in this world, you have nothing. 

"It's Sam. I overheard you and Jack talking and I just feel like he gets everything he wants and I never get anything that I want. He's always the star and I'm always coming in second or third next to him.. He gets all the glory and I get the aftermath. He got top line with Sam and you. He got captain. He now has Sam in his reach and he knows it so he's gonna go for it. I have wanted her since the second I saw her, she was so beautiful and nice and just overall amazing, I wanted to love her. She was the thing I wanted that I didn't think Jack would take from me. But here he is, taking the last thing that I wanted. And I told Jack about it at that one breakfast we had all together as a team, so he did know what the fuck was going on, he's just too much of a pussy to tell anyone because he knows I'll beat his ass if he does." Trevor was looking at the ground the whole time as he was saying this stuff and when he was done, he looked back up at Alex right in the eyes. Alex was shocked to say the least. He didn't know any of this was happening. There were so many hints that just blew past him. He had no idea. "I'm Oh my God Trev I'm-" Alex what cut off by Trevor. "Don't, it's okay." He said smiling and walking away. Alex just stood there in shock. He had no idea what to do. 

Jack and Sam came out of the locker room together. Alex was getting used to seeing them together because Jack took his advice. They all pooled home (courtesy of Mrs. Hughes) but that was all over Alex's mind. He was a very big over thinker. He kept it all in though. Sam was dead tired and so was Jack the whole way home. Alex was last to be dropped off. He said thank you to Mrs. Hughes and goodbye to Jack. Wow. that was a lot. He should have told me. But he knows he can't be with her. I don't want him with her. The way he acts in relationships is not okay and I don't want Sam getting hurt again. She can't. I would break her again and she wouldn't be able to be fixed. I have no way of telling him that. I think he just knows already. Wow this is just a lot. I can't think right now. I'll just play some Chel for now.

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