chapter 7

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Jacks pov

"Hey Quinn, Can you give me a ride to Sam's?" I asked, putting my bag together. Quinn smirked at me in a way I never wanted to see again. "Hehe are y'all gonna-" I cut him off. "NO OMG QUINN WHAT THE HELL!!" Quinn laughed. "Jesus, we're just hanging out and we're gonna study film." I looked at him. "Okay well don't do anything dumb okay?" We got into Quinn's car. He dropped off and I knocked on her door.

 "Hey, how are you?" Sam said as she opened the door. "Hey I'm good, how are you?" I asked. Wow. She looked so beautiful. Without even trying. Her eyes are just so pretty. "Uhm, Jack. Hey!" Sam said. "Oh sorry, what?" She laughed and smiled, "Come on, this way." She motioned for me to follow her. We went up to her room. It was pretty big. She had blackout curtains and her led lights were purple. "Okay so do you want the curtains open or the lights on?" she asked, getting her laptop out. "The lights are fine." I said standing. I had no clue where to sit. I didn't want to be weird and just sit anywhere. "Okay uhm any certain color you like?" she asked. She looked me right in the eye. I think I started to blush. "Uh, yeah this is fine." I smiled at her and she smiled back. She was sitting on her bed and patted the spot next to her. I sat down and she put her laptop on both our legs. "Okay so what game do you wanna watch first?" "Uhm well how about we start with game one? I wanna see that game and then our Rangers game, see how much you've improved." Sam clicked game 1. "Omg what were you DOING?" she said as she looked at the computer in disgust. I laughed and watched how she rang off the post many times and only made a few shots in. Then she fell. We both laughed. She fell a lot in warm ups but not too much. After we got done laughing, we switched it to the Rangers game. She had definitely improved. A lot. It was amazing and she was finally comfortable with the whole team and knew how everything worked. As she was commenting on things in the video, I was staring at her. At how perfect she was. Her eyes are just the most amazing shade of green with little spots of brown but you couldn't tell. Her nose was just adorable. And her lips are just, I could kiss them all day. " What?" She asked, smiling and laughing. I just looked at her.

Sam's pov

"Omg I did not make that shot, did you see that Jack?" no response. I looked at him and found him staring at me. "What?" I asked him. I must have been smiling like an idiot. Then it happened. He leaned in and grabbed my cheek and put his lips on mine. I haven't kissed anyone since Jake who was a terrible kisser. But Jack. Wow he was good. His lips were soft. We both pulled away and just looked at each other and smiled. Wow his eyes are blue. Wait, hold on. I want another one. I pulled his head back onto my lips. The kiss lasted a couple of mins. "Wow you're a really good kisser damn." Jack said. "Thank you, you're not too bad either." I said giving him a quick peck on his lips and then one on his cheek. His cheeks were HOT. He was blushing really hard, so was I. we just smiled at each other for a second.

Normal POV

After all this happened, they kinda just hung-out and cuddled. Sam felt amazing and fell asleep. Jack had to go so he woke Sam up. She didn't want him to go but his mom wanted him home for dinner. She was still a little tired but stayed up. After about an hour it was 6. Her mom would be getting home soon so she vacuumed and did the dishes in the sink. When her mom got home, they got Taco Bell for dinner. Her dad was away again. That night she got a text from Alex.

A: Hey Sam I got some news

S: and what's that?

A: So playoff season is coming up... i think we are gonna be in the top 2 this year! We haven't been in the top 2 in so long, but thanks to you, we will be.

S: oh shit really? That's awesome.

A:yeah I'm hella excited

A few weeks passed by and it was playoff season. They were #1 in the whole league. There were 5 rounds and whoever made it past all 5 won. Their first game was against the Pelicans. It was an easy win. they beat the Pelicans 6-3. Alex had 2 goals, Trev had 1 and so did Sam. Cole had a hat trick against them and it was a great night for everyone. In the lobby Sam and Jack were talking. Jack's dad got there and they kissed goodbye. little did they know that almost the whole team was watching. "WHAT THE FUCK?" Spencer said in an excited voice. Alex just stood there with jis mouth open in a smile shape and Cole was just on his phone, recording of course.

Sam looked behind her and saw everyone. Her face went so red and her heart dropped. She kinda just stared at everyone. "Hehe, uh yeah." Jack and Sam didn't tell anyone yet about anything that had happened and they had yet to ask one another out, so they decided to keep it a secret for a while... until now I guess.  Alex walked up to her and hugged her. After about 2 seconds Cole ran over, then Spenc, then Trev, and then everyone else.  the hug lasted for like 5 mins with everyone saying how proud they were and how happy they were about what just happened. Sam smiled and thanked everyone before she left. As she got into the car she was smiling. "How was the game, Honey?" her dad asked. "It was good, we won and I had a goal." She said. "Oh good job." her dad said. "Do you think mom and you can come to the rest of the playoff games. I mean its nice to have support for the crowd but its a lot better when your parents are there, you know?" she asked. "I don't know honey. You know mom and I have very tight scheduled but I'll see if i can make something work." He said and smiled at her. When she got home, she immediately texted Jack.

S: Hey Jack, so uh basically the entire team saw us kiss...

J: Oh yeah I know, i knew they saw but i mean I don't care.. but Cole has a video of it so like yeah

S: Shit wtf he does?? well damn.. imma take a shower then wanna ft?

J: ofc:)

Sam took a quick shower and fted Jack> she fell asleep and so did jack. The next morning jack work her up.

(Over the call) "Hey beautiful, wake your dumbass up and come over baby." Sam opened her eyes. Jack had never called her baby before but she loved the name. "What oh uhm hey handsome. I guess i'll come see your stupidhead." they both smiled and then ended the call. she rode her longboard over to his house and he was home alone. she knocked on the door and he answered.

"What's up loser?" Jack said as he opened the door to let her in. Nothing much, what about you whore?" She smiled and laughed as she said that. Jack looked at her with a surprised face but he still had a smile on his beautiful face. He picked her up over his shoulder and threw her on the couch. "Now stay there, I'm gonna get something for us to eat and were gonna watch The Walking Dead okay?" Sam had the biggest smile on her face. He knew her favorite show.. wow. He got some m&m's and they sat down on the couch together and put on TWD. After about 3 episodes Jack got up. "Hey come with me." he said. Sam got up and went to the kitchen with him.

He opened his arms and Sam gave him a hug. He lifted her up and she put her legs around him. She kissed him and they kissed for a bit before he put her on the island in the middle of the kitchen. As she was set down they pulled apart. She blushed has he looked at her and smiled. 

"Hey can i ask you something?" Jack asked. She looked at him. "Of course, anything." she said and smiled.

Hey guys!! I'm so sorry  but it's been a while. I've had really bad mental health for the past few months and had no motivation to write. but i'm doing better now:) ALSO, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 1K READS!!!!!!Like I'm so shook that that many people have read this book. but anyways have a good day or night. I love y'all. - hockeyhughes<3

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2020 ⏰

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