Mystery Girl PT 16

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Today Kim TAEHYUNG decided he wanted to get his tongue pierced and asked me to ride with him. I asked him what made him want him to do that and he said you. I asked him why me and he said just something different.
So his tongue is pierced and he was listening to the rules for after care and when the piercer said no oral sex for at least a month until it heals completely Tae just frowned. I said don't worry it isn't that bad then I showed him my tongue ring and he said how long have you had yours done and I said for a few years I got mine done when I was 20
I was a lil rebelous at that time. So as we were driving home we stopped at the milkshake shop and I got Tae a strawberry milkshake and I got me a strawberry banana one. So when we got home everyone asked us were we were and I told Tae to show them so he stuck his tongue out and they seen the silver barbell in his tongue then I showed my silver barbell. They were shellshocked. And I seen kookie give us a weird look but I shrugged it off as him being kookie.

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