Chapter Thirteen: A Different Side

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Against my better judgment, I decide to trust Wink's word and visit Jimmy. Wink drives me to his place, mentioning along the way that since Jimmy broke up with his ex he's back living at his mother's. I make sure to point out that Wink still lives with his Mom and that it's not a big deal anyways. Living with your parents till your back on your feet is nothing to be ashamed of.

Wink tells me too, the whole story about Cheddar Bob pulling a gun on the Tha Free World during a fight- a fight Jimmy started apparently. I silently realize it was Bob who was the shooting victim Hanna was talking about. At least he's okay, I think.

It has finally stopped raining as he drives into a familiar location. It's the 8 Mile Mobile Court. And when he parks in front of one of the trailers, I realize he lives across the way from Mrs Helgeland.

Huh. I wonder if we've ever passed by each other before and never noticed. Doubtful. I'd definitely notice Jimmy.

As we ascend the stairs to Jimmy's home, I'm suddenly very nervous. I'm positive Jimmy wouldn't want me here, even if I don't care that he lives with his mom or that it's in a trailer. Nothing fazes me and I don't judge- him especially. And I don't think there's anything wrong with living in a trailer anyways. Or living with his family. But even I know he won't feel that way.

Maybe Wink is wrong. He's been nice and helpful, so my opinion of him has changed slightly, but he can't be right about this. I just wanted to see Jimmy so bad- apologize for the stupid thing I did- that I'm about to do something even stupider. What am I thinking?

I'm about to tell Wink that I've changed my mind, when he knocks on the door. After a few short moments, the door swings open and a pretty blond woman appears.

"Wink." She says, surprised, "What are you doin' here?"

"Lookin' for Jimmy. How you doin'?" He says, respectfully.

"Oh you know," She sighs. When she finally catches sight of me, she asks curious, "Who's this?"

"Oh, my bad. This is-" Wink starts before I take over.

"I'm Teresa Mayer- Tessa." I correct myself, not meaning to be so formal, but I'm nervous, "I'm a...a friend of Jimmy's."

"Really?" She looks me over again and smiles, "Huh. Well, I'm his mother, Stephanie. Come in. Come in."

Wink sits in the chair and I take a seat the couch. The trailer is small and a bit cluttered; a table covered in mail and bowls of bingo chips, and the counter is somewhat the same with various things. Just past the kitchen is a short hallway where I assume the bathroom and bedrooms are. There are a few framed photos and knick knacks decorating the space nicely, a brown carpet and wooden paneling on the walls. I notice children's drawings all around and a few toys that make me curious as well.

I like it- it's homey and sweet. 

It's smells like cinnamon- perhaps from the candle burning in the kitchen- but also a hint of woman's perfume and Jimmy's familiar scent mixed in too. I look down and instantly recognize the blue hoodie on the armrest next to me as the one Jimmy was wearing the last time I saw him. I run my hand across it.

"Baby girl, come out and talk to our guests!" Stephanie hollers towards the other end of the trailer as she sits beside me. She then says to us, "Jimmy should be back soon. You two want a beer? I have some in the fridge."

"I'm fine thank you." I tell her, not wanting to seem rude even though she herself is drinking one.

"I'll take a beer." Wink says and goes to help himself.

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