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thursday, 21:43

yangyang was sitting on the kitchen floor when the front door burst open. "is anyone here?" he knew that voice. it was taeyong. it brought a faint smile to his face.

taeyong walked around the house, taking in the decorations of the home he left. he walked down the hall, stopping to look at the framed photos on the wall. he was in a lot of them. he looked a lot younger, happier even. he looked at his mother's face through the glass of the wooden frame. it was a picture of the three of them. their mother was in the middle with her arms wrapped around the two young boys, yangyang on her left and taeyong on her right. all of them with huge smiles. taeyong was only 15 back then, making yangyang 10 years old at the time.

he stepped further to see a picture of a vaguely familiar guy on the wall. he had brown hair and a bright smile. it looked like a high school senior picture. he looked at the name.

liu yangyang, class of '18

oh my god that's yangyang. taeyong teared up a bit. he's so grown up. he smiled and continued walking until he reached the end of the hallway and stepped into the kitchen. he was greeted by his brother sitting on the floor with his knees up to his chest.

yangyang looked up at him teary eyed. taeyong pulled him up off the floor and hugged him tight before asking the question they both knew was coming. "yang, why aren't you at the hospital?"

he didn't get a response.

taeyong pulled away from the hug to look at his brother. yangyang wouldn't make eye contact. "why aren't you at the hospital?"

yangyang's lip quivered.

"yangyang where's mom?"

"i-i'm sorry she-she-" yangyang was hyperventilating-"i didn't know h-how to tell you i'm so sorry please don't be mad" yangyang's face was flooded with tears.

taeyong embraced him, "it's okay, don't apologize." taeyong held in his own tears. "it's not your fault."

"but ..but you didn't even get to say goodbye."

"i know. i'll see her again some day. we both will."

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