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Everyone of us has things that made us confused. Those things that leave us in the air, thinking deeply about it. One example is being tired of living in a secret, not knowing the exact reason.

Whenever I ask my uncle, uncle always changed the topic or avoiding it like he doesn't want to reveal his deep secret. But one thing was set in my mind, I want to leave here and explore the outside world. I always wondered what it will look like? Uncle said it is a city and according to the books that I read, modern cities composed of tall skyscrapers, LED big screens, bright lights during night, noisy streets, jammed traffics and busy people going to their destinations. I would like to feel what adventure is? These people were damn lucky. But that was before until these creatures invade the world and depleted the human race. These creatures was once a myth but the myth turns out to be true. These creatures has some super abilities. Cool. I wish I could have that. These creatures are called vampires. They also have this royal families. King and Queen shíts. Sigh, I could never relate these things

Ever since I was little, my uncle took care of me. I treated him as my father since he said that my father died before I was born. I asked him about my mom if he still knows where she is. He only said that my mom leave me to him. I also asked if they were blood related, he said no. Uncle Lucas treated my mom like his sister. Hmm, maybe that's why.

I take a look in this mini calender sitting on my night stand. Five days before my sweet 16. I planned that after my birthday I would like to ask my boyfriend, Zayn to accompany me in going to the city. He works there. He has this little secret that he told me, he was a halfbreed. Half human, half werewolf. At first I was shocked and amazed because according to the books I read they tranform themselves into a werewolf anytime they want and during full moons. They are the vampires' greatest enemy. His coworkers were also werewolves but since he was half, he is special. He never told me about his job because it was confidential. Whatever.

Stepping in the real outside world is a big adventure for me.

Copyright © 2016 Britannica_Monti

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