Chapter 2: Going to the city is...

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Instagram: Britannica_Monti
Facebook: Lexi Britannica
Twitter: britannicamonti

Copyright © 2016 Britannica_Monti

Carmela's P.O.V.

I felt the heat of the sunrise from the window hitting to my face from my bed feeling a good day will come when a sudden knock on my door interrupted my sleep..

"Carmela, breakfast is ready downstairs. Zayn is waiting for you there. I need to leave right now because I have some matters to work out outside.. Take care. And don't make some silly things that I don't want to happen. Understand?"

"Yes uncle, take care!!" I replied groggily.

I heard the footsteps slowly fading. I know what 'outside' he meant. It is the city out there. Of course. Wait, speaking of city, Zayn and I are going there.. Oh, I almost forget about that...

I quickly rushed myself to the bathroom to take a bath. I pick up the dress that Margaux had given to me. I admit it, I really love the dress. As I finished fixing myself, I quickly went downstairs to eat my breakfast. There, Zayn's eyes landed at me from reading a classic book that I don't know where in earth come from...

"You wear the dress that Margaux had given to you. You look so beautiful in that dress." Zayn complimented.

"Thank you" I felt my cheeks heated up at his words.

"That's why you take so long." Zayn said.

"I'm sorry. I'm just preparing myself for a trip to the city, right?" I said with a smile.

"Oh yeah I almost forgot. Sorry." He raised his hands up.

"Duh, we're the same I almost forgot about it until uncle Lucas mention that he will go to the city.." I go with the joke.

We finished our breakfast and put all the plates and utensils to the sink..

"Do you think that uncle will be mad at us for doing this?"

"Don't worry about it, He said to me before he left that he will arrive here at 6 pm and we have some plenty of time to be together in the city. It's too early now."

"I think so.." I'm so uncomfortable that uncle will be mad at us when he find out this and maybe he will not let Zayn to get near at me next time because he might think that he is the reason why I get in trouble and etc. What I afraid the most is I never seen him getting mad at me. He was always been good to me.

"Don't worry too much, babe. I can handle this. Why would I ever take you to the city for a trip if I can't protect you from the shitheads out there.." He reason between laughs. He is right, I must trust him. This is the result of not being exposed outside.

Zayn is starting his motorbike for a trip. He hop to the motorbike and he commanded me to hop to his back. I'm afraid that..

"Go on, hop on my back now. Don't be afraid. I will be slowing down." Zayn said giving me a comforting smile.

"Ok." I ride in the back of his motorbike and put my arms around his waist and I rest my head to his back..

"You promise me that you will slow down? I am just afraid that I wil-"

"Fall? Yes of course you are thinking about that. This is your first time to have a ride and I don't want to scare you off because I'm so agressive on driving the wheels." He said with a smirk playing on his lips

"Whatever.." I manage to say.

The drive went on, I take my time to observe the surroundings we past on. I could see big houses, well shaped trees I think and people with good taste in fashion walking around . I think we are nearing to the city and I never feel so nervous luke this before.

"We are nearing to the city so get ready!" Zayn exclaimed. He probably knows that I'm excited/nervous.

We entered the boundary of the city, I gape of what I see..

"People are so fabulous here. look!" I pointed to the giant statue looks like a king with people crawling below to him.

"That? I hate that statue. Showing that the king is powerful to all people. What a reckless vampire king.." Disgusts filled in his eyes.


"Did I look that I'm lying to you?"

"Then why?"

He sighed. "The king didn't want the humans towering from these vampires."

I thought the king was a good guy. That's why uncle is hiding me from this society. I felt sorry for those who experienced the pain from the ruthless vampires.

I just notice that he just park his motorbike near a downtown street.. Food restaurants scattered here and the people here are so busy.

"Stay with me. Don't get too far from me. It's very dangerous here even the place looks safe.." He warned me.

I understand him because some people we past by are looking at us that we are some rare species of animal just wandering around.

"Where do you want to eat?" He asks.

"Everywhere. Everywhere you want." I smiled to him because I don't know this place and especially I don't know where to eat because all the restaurants and food stalls I see are people who are enjoying eating their food. Yummy.

"I know here a place not too far from here that is very good at cooking meals. Do you like chinese food?"

Chinese food? It sounded familiar to me when Margaux told me about the delicious restaurants here that I must try the Chinese delicacies here.. She said they are really good..

"Sure. Why not."

As we got nearer to the restaurant he meant, my stomach is growling for food. Hmmm.. We entered the 'Chinese restaurant' that Zayn was talking about before..

"Here, take a sit. What food do you want?" He handed me the menu

I'm thinking about the food that I want to eat but I ended up saying..

"Anything you want for me babe." I said as I give him a smile.

"Ok sure. Just stay and wait here and don't talk to the strangers. If they ask you something, ignore them. Don't make an eye to eye contact. ok?" He sternly said.


Zayn went to the counter and ordered a food. I think he ordered so many food. Uh-oh..

"Here you are!!" He said as he put the tray of foods on the table.

"What are they?"

"Food, what else?" He said with cocky grin.


I want to ask him what are the names of these foods but I could not take it longer to stare at them so I grab a noodle like food and eat it. Me and Zayn talk about things in this place and the city...

Zayn's P.O.V.

I'm planning her to make a surprise that it takes me 1 month to prepare for it. Its been a year since my first confession to her that my feelings for her is more than just a friend, best friend and I ask her to be my girlfriend. Yeah, it's our first anniversary of being lovebirds. And it seems that Carmela forgot about it. By the help of my friends, we decided to have a flash mob. Haha, this is my chance..

"I'm finished! And you?! Not yet!" Carmela said as she flash a beautiful smile at me.

"I'm finished my food earlier than you!" I said grinning...

"Ah,ah,ah, why did you NOT eat that white,fluffy,round thingy? It is bad to waste your food that you eat because many people were suffering in hunger."

"Carmela, this is a siopao. And I'm full now. Maybe I could put it in a paper bag then bring it for our next destination."

"Oh, ok. So that is a siopao. What a cute name. C'mon let's go! I will be the one to bring that shaopie siopao." She said as she giggles.

I ask the waiter a paper bag and put the food in it and I handed the bag to Carmela. We exited the chinese restaurant and continue our tour around the city...

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