01 - The Wallflower

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Bae Joohyun is a shy little girl. When everyone else was playing freeze tag or playing hopscotch during recess, Joohyun sat in a corner all by herself. Joohyun has never considered herself as lonely, she's just more of a wallflower and would rather be alone than associate with any of her classmates. She enjoys reading story books or writing in her peach colored diary. If she got bored with that, she would observe people. Although she is just 7, she always meticulously studies what her fellow classmates are doing, and she will constantly observe them. It's what she's best at.

Today, Joohyun is studying Son Seungwan. Joohyun thinks that Seungwan is a very outgoing child who has many friends and is very talented. She also thinks that she is gorgeous. Her favorite feature of Seungwan is her sparkling and bug-eyed brown eyes. Suddenly, Joohyun realizes that someone has been staring at her.

"Hello Joohyun!!!" someone screams in her face.

Ah yes, it's Kang Seulgi. Joohyun thinks that she's rather annoying. Seulgi could be heard from across the room, her voice being very loud. She always seems to have fun and is always laughing.

"Ugh," Joohyun thinks in disgust. "What does this idiot want?'

"My name is Kang Seulgi."

"I know." Joohyun rolls her eyes at her.

"I noticed you here looking rather lonely and I was wondering if you would like to play freeze tag with me and my friends!!!" she exclaimed.

Over by the monkey bars, Hyojung, Yooa, Jisoo, Moonbyul, and Wendy are waving at Seulgi and Joohyun.

"First of all, call me Irene." Joohyun glared at Seulgi. "I hate the name Joohyun and I'd rather sit here and write in my diary than play with you guys."

"Oh ok, sorry Irene." Seulgi then ran off to play tag with her classmates.

As if I would ever associate with Seulgi and her hooligan friends.

Although Irene still paid attention to every single person at the playground, her mind seemed to wander to Seungwan. There's something about her that's so dazzling and charming. Of course, every single day Seulgi would ask the same question. And every single time Irene would say the same thing. Until one month later, curiosity finally got the best of her.

"Hi Irene!" Seulgi exclaimed. "Would you like to play freeze tag with me and my friends?!"

"Yes; in fact, I would like to play tag."

I'm only doing this so I can become closer to Seungwan. There's no other reason, I don't like Kang Seulgi and I will never be friends with her.

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