10 - Jealous Joohyun

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Seulgi walks towards her homeroom feeling a bit apprehensive. She was going to say yes to Jackson, and she already knew that everyone would know about their relationship by the end of the day.

She pauses at the door, and glances behind her; nobody was paying attention.  She peers into the classroom, scanning to see if Jackson was there. He wasn't, Seulgi walks into the classroom feeling relieved.

A few seconds later, someone walks in. Seulgi felt someone's presence behind her.

I swear to god that nobody was behind me a few seconds ago.

Seulgi turns around to see the last person she wants to see, Jackson. She raises her eyebrows in shock. "Jackson!" She chirps. "Wow, it's so great to see you."

"Same to you Seulgi, why don't we sit down?"  He walks over to his desk and motions for Seulgi to follow.

Seulgi sluggishly walks over, glancing nervously at Hyojung and Yooa. Hyojung smiles and Yooa gives her a thumbs up.

Seulgi sits next to Jackson. She fidgets with her hands, and flashes a smile at Jackson. "I've.." she pauses for a second, thinking if she was really about to do this. "I've been thinking about what you said. I'd love to go out with you."

Seulgi said that a little louder than she thought. The chattering between her classmates stops. The whole class was staring at Seulgi and Jackson. Seulgi blushes profusely and Jackson leans towards Seulgi. "It's alright Seulgi, just ignore them." Jackson whispers. Seulgi nods, and her lips curl upwards into a grin. Jackson grabs her hand, and looks at his classmates. "Yeah, we are official now." Jackson announces. The whole class applauses, making Seulgi feel small and vulnerable. She glances at Jackson and pouts. He squeezes her hand and gives her a reassuring smile.

The bell rings. Everyone gets out of their seats and leaves for their next class. After a few seconds, nobody was in the classroom except Jackson and Seulgi.

"Seulgi-ah, are you ok?" Jackson asked.

Only Irene calls me Seulgi-ah. Seulgi looks down at the floor.

"I'm ok Jackson." Seulgi chuckles nervously. "I'll see you at cross country practice, yeah?" Without waiting for an answer, she turns around and leaves the classroom.

"Kang Seulgi! You said yes?!" Irene shouts, her Daegu accent clearly being heard. Irene's from Daegu, when she was 4 years old she moved to Seoul. When she's really angry, her Daegu accent is noticeable.

Seulgi raises her eyebrows. "Um, yeah. You told me to tell the truth, and I did. I think I like him, so I said yes." Seulgi slowly unzips her lunchbox and eyes Irene.

Irene felt sick to her stomach. The thought of Seulgi dating Jackson made her feel uneasy and frustrated. Feeling exasperated, she sighs and turns towards Wendy. Wendy grasps her hand and strokes Irene's thumb, which makes Irene blush. Irene could stare at Wendy's oval-shaped face for the whole period. Her jawline was enticing, she was tempted to place her hand on Wendy's cheekbone, but she realizes that there's more important things than Wendy's face.

She looks over at Seulgi, who's happily munching on carrots. What a cute bear. How can someone be that adorable while eating carrots? Irene pushes her thoughts aside, realizing that she probably shouldn't be thinking like that. "But what if he breaks your heart, Seulgi-ah?" Irene pouts.

Seulgi laughs. "This is a high school relationship, it's never going to get that serious, don't worry." Seulgi grins. I'll never like Jackson the way I like you.

"Ok." Irene smiles brightly and makes eye contact with Seulgi. Seulgi's heart starts to flutter.

This is definitely normal. Seulgi taps her fingers on the lunch table, trying to ignore how she felt. "So... I saw a poster for the fall play auditions."

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