13 - Ice Cream for Everyone

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"So... who wants ice cream?" Jackson exclaims.

Wendy pouts her lip. "I think I'll pass. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to check up on my girlfriend." Wendy stands up and pushes her chair, then she rushes to the bathroom.

Wendy felt alright. She hates holding grudges with people, and she knew that she would probably be ok by the time she got home. She wasn't so sure about Irene, she's known for being stubborn. Wendy stops outside the bathroom and stares at the stain, hoping that she would be able to salvage her dress. My dress isn't nearly as important as Irene's feelings.

Wendy pushes the door to the bathroom. "Irene? Are you in here?" she says. Irene's sitting at the very edge of the bathroom. Irene looks up at Wendy. Mascara smudges and salty tears are covering her face. "Oh my goodness!" Wendy murmurs. She dashes across the bathroom and seats herself next to Irene. Wendy opens her mouth to speak, and closes it. This is a moment where it's better to be silent.

Irene quietly shuts the bathroom door. She checks to make sure that nobody's in any of the stalls, and sluggishly walks to the corner of the bathroom. A single tear slides down her face and falls on her sweater. I'm tired of holding in my tears. She exhales shakily and allows herself to cry. She slides down the wall and curls herself into a ball. Tears burst forth like water from a dam, spilling down her face. I'm not mad at Seulgi, I don't think I could ever be mad at her. Why am I crying?

"Irene? Are you here?" Irene didn't hear Wendy walk in. She looks up at Wendy. "Oh my goodness!" Irene knows that she looks like a mess. She watches Wendy run across the bathroom and sit down beside her. She looks at Wendy's beady eyes and watches her open her mouth, but no words come out. Irene watches Wendy close her mouth and entwines her hand with hers. There's a mutual understanding that Irene doesn't want to talk at the moment. Irene puts her head on Wendy's shoulder. Wendy takes her free hand and runs her fingers through Irene's silky coffee-colored hair.

Irene continues crying, allowing her sobs to be muffled by Wendy's dress. Everything's wrong. Forget about my sweater, I thought that Seulgi spilling drinks all over us was cute. The problem is that Wendy's comforting me, but I don't care. Seulgi should be the last thing on my mind, yet here she is. Why is my mind filled with thoughts about Seulgi? I just can't get you out of my mind.

"Shouldn't you be comforting Irene right now? Don't girls have crying parties together?" Jackson asks.

Seulgi and Jackson are still sitting at the table in the pizza shop. "Wendy's there with her, also I'm the last person she wants to see. If she is crying, she would only want Wendy to be with her."

"Um, ok then. Should we leave?"

Seulgi sighs. "We still have to pay. Since I made the mess, I should pay for all of it." Seulgi reaches for her debit card in her back pocket and stands up.

"I'll wait outside. They don't want ice cream, but we can get some. Shall we?"

"I'd love to." Seulgi walks over to the cashier, pays for the meal and adds a huge tip. She walks towards Jackson and glances back at the table they sat at. A waitress is wiping the mixture of iced tea and lemonade on the tabletop. Without thinking, she turns around and walks over to the table.

"Hi! Um, I'm the one who made a huge mess, so I just wanted to say sorry!" Seulgi mumbles to the waitress. She smiles awkwardly and walks towards Jackson.

"You're the sweetest thing, I can't believe you apologized to the waitress." Jackson smirks.

Seulgi shyly glances at Jackson. "I know." she grins. "Oh! I should text Irene that I'm leaving. Give me one sec." she pulls her iPhone out from her pocket.

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