chapter 5

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"Open the door, mom", she cried while banging her hand on the door.

"Mom open fast", Lana squeal.

"Dad please open the door".

Worriedly they ran towards the door and opens it. As soon as the door gets open Lana hugged her mom yelping

"there is somebody in my room",

"there is somebody in there". Lana repeats

"Calm down dear, calm down, we will see okay", her dad said.
Lana's dad took a vase in his hand which was place right on the table placed right side lf thier bed.
Lana and her parents started moving towards lana's bedroom
First lana's dad went in her room followed by lana's mother and lana. Lana was still holding her mom's hand tightly with both of her hand. They walked in and found nobody. He checked the bathroom, looked out of the window to find any traces of a person coming in or going out out fromt it. but thier was no one to be found. Lana's dad saw her and narrowed his eyes in anger and asks her to see it by herself.
Lana looked at every corner of the room even Inside the cupboard but there was nobody in the room except the three of them.

"I swear someone was there", Lana shouted, still frighten.

"No dear nobody is there, you might have seen a nightmare", her mom said.

"Lana if this is a prank then it is not good dear", her dad said.

"No dad I swear someone was there and it was breathing heavily", Lana replied.

"Lana no one is here to be found , so now go to your bed and sleep", Lana's mom sternly said.

Lana looked at both of them in anger and went to her bed still afraid.

"Let the lights on you might need",

her dad said while walking out of the room and closed the door. Lana dug her head inside the blanket and tries to sleep. But after struggling with her thoughts for half an hour she finally slept. In the morning she woke up with heavy headache. She took a look of her bedroom before moving out. She rolled her blanket aside to get off from bed. As she rolled, she found that piece of chain underneath the blanket. She moved back a little in shock. She moved her hand slowly towards chain in order to pick it up. She takes that chain in her hand and throws it out of the window.

"We have to stop her from seeing all that horror movies again", lanas dad said while walking towards thier room.

"But richard what if she is telling the truth", lanas mom said in doubiety.

"Common rose only in movies this happens and not in real life", Richard replied.
Rose closed the room and both went to sleep.

It was a sunny day next morning.
She got ready for her school. She remembered what haooened last night and it was just maming her headache more worst. After getting ready she Walked in the kitchen sees her mom making breakfast in the kitchen.

"Lana whatever happened yesterday should not hapoen again", lana's mom ordered in a stern voice.

"Your dad works really hard and he need to get the right amount of sleep. Okay?".

"Yeah mom". Lana replied without giving any concern. She takes a bite of garlic bread and just walks out of the house.

"Bye mom" she says and walked out from the house.

Her mom was a bit confused by her behaviour. Whole day Lana was sitting quite in the class while her whole group was talking with each other. They even asked her but she said nothing to them.

Two three days passed and every morning she felt the same headache. As the days passes the headache was getting more and more severe .One night before going for sleep she video called hazel, wanted to listen some gossips thinking this might can distract her from her headache. Hazel picked the call and as a news reporter she started telling her each and every gossip in detail. They both laughed and lana started to feel more relaxed.

"I didnt know the story of our class is so interesting that a whole movie can be made on it, girl", lana said while laughing hard.

"Everybody is dating to somebody who is already dating to someone else", lana said breathlessly while laughing.

They both laughed and shared the gossip.
After one hour of conversation, Hazel started to give a confuse look while looking at the back side of Lana.

"Hey what happened?" Lana asked.

"Who is that baby jumping on your bed?", hazel asked in confusion.

Lost piece of chain Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz