chapter 15

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We landed in Korea,  it was a very long journey I just wanted to go home and sleep. Then I heard my phone rang it was Jungkook💜 , I picked up the call,

Jungkook:  Hey, Y/N we have enough space in our car so you guys can come with us. We will drop you. Its already very late.

Y/N : There is no need , but Thank you.

Jungkook : Then how are you guys going ?

Y/N : We are going to book a cab.

Jungkook : Okay ! Go home
safely ,Take Care and one more thing stop dreaming about me.

Y/N : Yaa fine, and I don't dream about you, okay !

Jungkook : Stop lying.Y/Naahhh.Just go home safely.

Y/N : Good bye!

Jungkook: Bye Bye.

Me and Sushi were so tired we got out from airport and we were waiting for cab but we are unable to find it and suddenly Do wan come to us,

Do wan : Hi , Y/N why you guys are still waiting here ?

Y/N : We are looking for a cab but we are unable to find it.

Do wan : I can drop you guys, I have my car .

Sushi: Okay ! Already its getting late. Tomorrow we have to go for work to.

Y/N : It is totally fine with me.

Do wan : Cool! Let just go.

In the car I was in my thoughts ,that how much I enjoyed this trip and I really got to learn a lot from MV shoot and also I have so many memories of this trip.
Me and Sushi thanked Do wan for dropping us, now we were at home. Me and sushi ordered pizza and we ate that. Even though we were tired but both don't wanted to sleep. We were still discussing the things which happened in trip and we were showing pictures to each other.
Sushi had call from her mom, she went to her room to take the call. As soon as she came out I notice there something wrong I asked her,

Y/N : What happened everything is okay?

Sushi: Yaa Everything is fine .
with a fake smile,
Even in that smile I can see the tears in her eyes.

Y/N : Its okay ! If don't want to tell me now, but whenever you are okay to tell me I am always there okay.

She started crying I just went to her and hugged her tight.

Y/N : I am here sushi. Don't cry.

Sushi : I don't want to think about it.

Y/N : We won't think about it . Let just go and sleep otherwise we will be late for work tomorrow .

Sushi : Can I sleep in your room ?

Y/N :  There is no need to ask .Yes ,of course.

We went to sleep.
In the  morning, I got up first so I made breakfast for us ,

Y/N : Get up sushi ! Otherwise we will get late.

Sushi: I don't want to get up!

Y/N : I made your favorite breakfast ,
Suddenly she got up and we both shouted together' Pancakes'😋 We both laughed together . She got up got freshen up. We ate breakfast and then went to office.
In the office we were working till noon. In the lunch time me and Sushi went to cafeteria for lunch.

Y/N : Don't you think it is a very boring day.

Sushi : Yes. It is ! But I guess we were out from so many days that's why we feel like this.

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