chapter 17

180 13 5

Jungkook POV:

Today I have irritated her enough .Even though she was irritated but still she was doing everything as I say.  She acts cute when she gets irritated. The best part about her is she understands me completely. Yesss it was bit uncomfortable because of Tae, Sushi and Jimin .
The best part of feeding her with my own hands was she was staring at me the whole time. I love it whenever she looks at me with those beautiful eyes of hers. Everyday I sleep with the thought in my mind that tomorrow I will see her ,that thought makes me real happy. I just want to see her everyday,I love to talk to her,I love to watch her get irritated but cute face.I love it whenever she cares for me I really want her to care for me lifetime.That day when she fall unconscious I was so scared as I don't want to loose her. I really love it whenever she calls me by my name, I never thought my name can sound this beautiful .
with all this beautiful thought in my mind I went to sleep.


It's morning ! Again a beautiful day but I was little angry on Sushi for teasing me yesterday .

Sushi: Good morning ! Y/Naahhhh!

Y/N : Good morning .

Sushi: Why so boring good morning ? Don't tell me you are still angry on me because of yesterday .

Y/N : Yes I am .

Sushi: So I will make it up to you .

Y/N : How ?

Sushi: With your favorite breakfast .

Y/N : Seriously you cooked for me .

Sushi: Yes of course.  cause I love you.

Y/N : I love you too.

When we were eating breakfast I saw Sushi was continusly chatting and laughing I guess I know who is messaging her but let just tease her too,

Y/N : With whom you are talking this early in the morning?

Sushi: Its Tae!

Y/N : Ohhhh! So nobody told me that you guys started chatting too.

Sushi: There is nothing like that

Y/N : Yes I can see that . Your smiling face is telling me everything, Sushi.  You guys continue, I will go take shower.

We both got ready and went to work, Today I really don't want to face Jungkook,Tae & Jimin. That will be really embarrassing for me. I have already been embarrassed enough in front of them.
We were divided into team for work so Me and Do wan was team up by the leader and gave us our task .

Do wan : I am happy we are going to work together as a team.

Y/N : Yes I am too .

I showed him a fake smile ... 

It's not like I don't like him or he didn't do anything bad with me but still I don't get good vibes from him.
I saw Jungkook and other members were coming to our direction. I suddenly hide my face and grabbed Do wan's hand and ran away from there.

'Thank God!  He didn't saw me.'

Do wan : Whom you are talking about?

Y/N : Nothing let's go and work.

Do wan : Yes.

We went down to store room we were in  search for old files and records we took all of them and went to confrence room cause we want a big place so that we can check everything and study from it and come up with a new idea. We were working and he suddenly came and sit next to me, I was very focused on my work but he started talking to me ,

When he falls in love with you ( Completed) (Ongoing Editing)Where stories live. Discover now