Unexpected meeting

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Author's note:

🔹️ Italicized words are flashbacks
🔹️ Song used as inspiration: Paper Hearts by Tori Kelly
🔹️ All events are just a product of my imagination.


February 21, 2020, Friday


I never expected that I'll see you right away, and of all the places why here in the airport? While I was on the plane, I kept on thinking how we'll meet up, like, I would personally drop by in your house or meet you up in a restaurant. But that sure is an ambitious thought for we parted in a bad way.

I can still recall that time when you were gripping so tightly on my wrist, tears were falling down incessantly on your face while preventing me to leave hoping you could change my mind.

It should be a crime to still look beautiful while crying, but that's you— Joohyun "Irene" Bae, always the most beautiful girl I've ever laid my eyes on.

And by the questioning look on your face, I think you are recalling that same day.

The day I broke my promise.


May 12, 2017, Friday

In the confines of your room, only soft whimpering sounds can be heard. It has been going on since I stated my intention a while ago.

Even if I was facing away and just looking outside of the window where I can see how the leaves peacefully sway with the soft breeze of the spring wind, I can still picture out your pain-stricken look in my head. I hear the desperation in your voice but I have to keep a straight face even if it's hard.

"L-Lisa, please......you p-promised you won't l-leave. Don't g-go, I'm begging you."

I feel the front of my shirt getting wet while your crying hard on my chest. You removed your hands on my wrist then wrapped your arms around me, clutching tightly on my shirt like your life depends on it.

"Or if y-you want, I can go with you! I'll leave everything b-behind just don't leave me. Please Lisa...please."

I can feel your eyes on me while you were saying those words. I hate to hear the pain in your voice. But I hate it more that I'm the one causing it. I squeezed my eyes shut and this time I let the tears fall on my face, tears that I have been trying not to drop since she started crying.

Why did this even happen in the first place? We were so happy, but there were consequences that I have no control of. And it left me with no choice but to lie to myself and say the words that will break her heart...

and mine.

"No...let's stop this." I said with my voice as stern as possible.

"This isn't working like how I wanted it to be." Keep up with the lie Lisa, this is only how it'll work. I took a deep breath and went on.

"I'm tired of waiting, waiting for things to work out for us. I'm just— tired of it all. We have to end this, whatever this is that we have Joohyun."

I felt you loosen your grip on me but you still went on crying but softer this time.

After a couple of seconds of hearing you calm yourself, I felt your warm and soft hands on my face and slowly pulled my head down to make me look at you, I just hope you can't see into me that I'm trying so hard to lie to you at this very moment.

Imagining it was painful, but now that I can see your tear-stained face, eyes all red from crying hard, will always be etched on my mind for as long as I live. I never wanted any of this to happen, I can't find it in me to leave such a precious girl behind.

But why did I even decide to leave? That she doesn't have to know.

You wiped the remaining tears on my eyes and slowly inched yourself closer to me. I closed my eyes slowly then the next thing I knew you were kissing me.

You gave me soft pecks then started licking and nibbling on my lower lip by coaxing my lips to open. I feel your hands inched their way to my nape and to the back of my hair, making a secure grip to ensure I won't back out.

I savor how your warm and soft lips feel, I'll never grow tired of kissing you. But who am I kidding, these lips will be the last time I'll get to kiss, your lips that I will miss tasting.

I started to think why you're doing this instead of making me leave already to make things easier for us. Well, maybe you think I can no longer change my mind that's why.

For the last time I thought of being selfish, I dropped my guard and opened my mouth to taste you better...kiss you better, for the feeling is much too strong to handle. I wrapped my arms around you, pulling you close to me until I can feel every beat of your heart.

I can feel the passion, love, longing, and sadness while you're kissing me. I never knew it's possible but that's how I feel from it. I reciprocated your kisses and hope you'll find it in you that I will always love you.

I poured all that I could give in that kiss— the kiss I hope that is not our last.


Just a bit of backstory guys!

Bea 🤗

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