Reminisce the past

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Lisa's POV

I shook away those thoughts and tried to breathe as calm as possible. But still after all these years you still make my heart race, still have that same effect on me that makes me forget and just leave everything behind just to be with you.

Funny how I did the exact opposite thing 3 years ago when I decided to go back to Thailand and continue on with my life without you in it.

I kept staring at you, still dumbfounded that I am seeing you now in flesh. Because after all these years I still kept tabs on you by looking at your social media accounts.

No matter how hard I deny it, your pictures can never do you justice. You have this aura that draws people in, charming them in a way that they will forget everything and will just solely focus on you.

But then you stopped updating 3 months ago, so I was a little worried. I know I shouldn't be feeling this, but if the truth were told, I might have gotten a different reception from you now. But still I'm not sure if you'll accept me with open arms.

Our friends don't know the whole story, I just told them that we didn't work out due to personal issues for that’s what you thought as well. I was thankful that they didn't dig further for if they knew, I'm sure they'll go ballistic on me for letting you go and leaving you behind. Still, I was left with no choice but to leave.

I was so drowned in my thoughts that I didn't realize that you are in front of me now. So close that your fresh, citrusy-floral, and with a hint of spice fragrance invades my senses again.

It takes me back to the time where we hug leisurely and swaying slowly to the sounds made by nature, accompanied by the chirping sounds of the birds in the backyard of my family's rest house in Busan.

That place where we are surrounded by the forest while basking in the soft rays of the spring sun and not caring about what tomorrow brings. Away from the judgement of the people, just focused in our own little bubble and letting the time pass slowly.

The combined scent of your perfume and skin calms me in an oddly way possible, more so if I sniff more of it on you while lazily lounging on the outdoor couch, placing wet kisses on your neck and making you breathless.

"Fancy seeing you here, Lisa."

I heard you speak softly, enough for me to cut my thoughts and catch my attention.

I hate it that I'm looking like a dumb person gawking at you. I'm pretty sure you're enjoying my lost state right now judging by the look in your eyes. I know you’re suppressing a chuckle to come out for you’re biting a tad hard on your lower lip—a habit when you find something amusing. Why thanks for making me feel like a clown at the moment, Joohyun.

I shook my head a bit, looked down at the terrazzo flooring as if the design would interest me more than the gorgeous being in front of me. I breathe out slowly then looked back up to you. I simply scanned your appearance and smiled a bit.

Needless to say, I still find it hard to calm down when you're standing so beautiful in front of me. With your luscious brunette hair in a cascade of soft waves on your shoulders. Those soft locks that I miss to slide my fingers on, feeling its smooth texture while smelling the sweet lavender scent you love to use as your shampoo. You’re still a fan of wearing light makeup, enough to accentuate your beauty though you don't need doing so for your beautiful more than the definition of it. Also, looking simple but elegant with your white button up shirt that I’m itching to pop the buttons off—I castigate my inappropriate thoughts for this is not a good time for that.

Finally after that long narrative in my head, I found my voice to speak to you.

“A-ahh yes, ahem, fancy seeing you here…too, J-Joohyun.”

Really, Lisa? Stuttering—what are you, five?

You weren’t able to hold it anymore and you chuckled at my expense. I know your beautiful, but you have that extra glow when you smile or laugh. It always makes me feel the butterflies in my stomach.

You stopped yourself from chuckling and went on talking to me again, “So what brings you here, Lisa?” God, why did you catch me off guard? I’m not prepared right now.

It’s a marvel that you’re this civil interacting with me after all that’s happened in the past. Yes, I left with you knowing but I was still a jerk by not fighting for us.

I was that coward that left you, but if given the chance, will you accept me still Joohyun? I want to tell you everything, but I don’t know where to begin. Hopefully we can still get back together and catch up after several years being apart.

Oh, to be young and in love. It was just like yesterday when the notorious bully fell in love with the resident sweetheart...


💠 How do you think of the story so far?  Also, stay safe always guys!


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