[Chapter Fourteen]

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Chapter Fourteen

At school the next day, I went straight to the office to talk with them about Mason. 

“Hello Arianna, what can I do for you today?” The office assistant asked me and I smiled at her, I tried to smile at everyone.

“My orphanage just got seven and sixteen year old siblings, Mason, the eldest will be a junior and I had his transcripts sent over and I was here to check on that” I told her and she shuffled through some papers

“Mason Green?” she asked and I nodded

“Yes, I just need to see his class list and when he’s starting.” I may be a student but this was work, two different things. I took care of the people we housed and she knew that. She handed me the schedule and I saw he was put in art instead of photography and he’s starting Thursday.

“I may be making some changes, thank you.” I handed her the class list back and headed to the photography classroom to sweet talk my favorite teacher.

“Mr. Davis!” I yelled as I walked into the room, it was still early and school hadn’t started yet “You know I’m your favorite student, right?” I’ve had him since freshman year.

“What’s it going to cost me this time Arianna?” he asked, but didn’t deny I was his favorite.

“My orphanage got siblings, Mason’s a junior and starting here Thursday and he loves photography.” I gave him a big smile.

“Arianna, my classes are all full” he sighed and shook his head, avoiding my eyes.

“Please! When has your favorite student ever asked you for a favor?” I gave him my best puppy dog look. “I’ll pay his fees. I just think he really needs this, he just lost both his parents and I want him to get the most amazing teacher ever while he gets to do something he loves.”

He looked away and sighed, I knew I won this one.

“Fine, I’ll call the office and approve it” and I smiled and hugged him.

“Thank you, thank you, thank you! You’re the best teacher in the world!” He really was my favorite. He was in his fifties and all the students loved him, he was sarcastic and strange and his room was always open. He was one of those truly great teachers.

“You say that to all you’re teachers” he laughed

“Nope! You really are my favorite. But I have to go or I’ll be late for the first time in my life!” I said as I ran out the door. I got to Calculus right before the bell rang.

The rest of the day I couldn’t get the smile off my face. I told Alexis about it in English and she was just as happy as I was

“So, we get a new student on Thursday?” Damon sat beside me and Alexis narrowed her eyes at him.

“Yeah, he’s going to be a Junior and you better not mess with him Damon, or so help me god, you will never have children!” Alexis was already getting protective of Mason.

Though I was pregnant with his kid so he would technically have children, but that’s a minor detail.

“I won’t!” I put his hands up in surrender “I was just asking. How do you two know him?” he put his hands back down and leaned back in his seat.

“Him and his sister are new at Hope” I stated and he gave a sad smile “He’s doesn’t want sympathy, so don’t bring it up, if he wants to talk about it, he will”

“I get it, and I’ll look out for the kid too. Not that he needs me now that he has Alexis” she wore a proud smile, everyone knew not to mess with people she cared about or well anyone in front of her.

Stranded With Secrets Of Past Mistakes ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora