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Alejandra walked into the precinct and went up to Sargent Platt. The older woman gave her a blank look and threw her magazine down on the counter.

"What do you want Edwards ?"

"I got you a special blueberry truffle doughnut from Amelia Bakes." She said, referring to the small bakery that all Chicagoan's in the area loved. Alejandra gave her the small box and Platt looked down at the doughnut before looking at the detective.

"What do you want ?"

"I don't want anything. I heard you talking to Mouch about going and it was your favorite bakery and this was your favorite dessert so I got up early today and I got you it."

Antonio walked in to see Erin and Jay whispering to each other as Kevin and Adam were thumb wrestling. Burgess and Olinsky was nowhere to be found.

"What are you guys talking about ?" Antonio asked them.

"Yeah what are you talking about ?" Ruzek asked them.

"Nothing." Jay told them. "Just something we heard."

"Why would you say that ?" Erin asked him.

"Oooh gossip , I love that." Ruzek said as the unit unknowingly formed a circle.

"This can't leave here okay ?"Erin spoke quietly.

"What is it ? Is someone dying ?" Kevin Atwater asked , annoyed.

"Anyway , I talked to Kelly Severide last night in the grocery store and him and Edwards left together from Molly's on Friday night. "

"Severide is the man." Adam Ruzek said, shrugging , saying it like it was the honest truth because honestly , it was.

"That's not the point, I asked him about what happened and he told me that nothing happened because......." Erin trailed off. Jay decided to speak up for her.

"Ali has an STD." He said. Ruzek was confused.

"You get that from sex right ?"

Atwater gawked at how stupid his bestfriend was.

"It's incurable stupid."

Kevin Atwater looked at Antonio.

"Did you know ?"

"Not at all. And it's none of our business, you guys know that."

"Guys , let's just not make a scene today."

"Wait , STD's aren't contagious right ?" Ruzek asked. Erin gave him a blank look.

"Go to your desk."

Everyone went to their desks right as the cage unlocked. Alejandra walked in with a smile and waved.

"Hey guys."

A chorus of hi's , helloes and heys went around.

"So did you have a good weekend ?" Adam asked her. They all looked at Adam with a glare. He threw his hands up in surrender. "Nevermind my question."

Voight walked in.

"You guys better be ready today because we got a long day ahead of us." He said and looked around before noticing something. "Where's Burgess ? Ruzek ?"

Adam shrugged.

"I don't know where she was."

Small heels clacking against the floor caught their attention as the cage opened. Kim ran in but then stopped, seeing all eyes on her.

"Please don't demote me , there was a line at the bank and-"

"It's fine , just sit down."

Kim Burgess let out a big sigh of relief before rushing to her seat. Alejandra tried to not laugh at the officer. She was such a perfectionist and being only a minute late completely stressed her out.

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