viente cuatro.

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Alejandra walked back in and shut her door. Kelly winced, putting a hand on his back as he leaned forward against the counter.

"Are you sure you are okay ?"

Kelly nodded.

"I just want to go to the couch."

"Let me help you." She said, wrapping on of his arms around her shoulder and wrapping hers around his waist. "You sure you are okay ?"


They went over to the couch before Kelly shoved her onto the couch , laughing. She turned to him and hit him with a light green pillow.

"Don't do that, I thought you were hurt."

"I'm fine , I'm a firefighter , I jumped out of enough buildings to know if I'm hurt or not."

She glared at him and sat up straight before he walked around the table and laid back , kicking his feet up onto her lap.

"Really ?"

"Yep, wanna give me a foot massage ? I have clean feet ?"

"Maybe next time." She told him as she grabbed the remote and started the movie that was set up. She grabbed a slice of pizza along with Kelly as they watched the Gone Girl movie.

"Wait , she faked her death ?" Kelly asked her as they watched the woman practically drain herself of blood and clean it up during her monologue.

"Yeah , to get back at her husband."

"But why do all that ? Just leave him."

"She couldn't. They were already going broke from her inheritance and they moved to a failing town that had nothing but businesses going out of business. But I think it was more than that. They were both people trying to be better versions of themselves but ultimately failed , ruining each other."

They kept watching the movie and Alejandra tried to not laugh at Kelly who was beyond interested in the movie. His jaw was slowly dropping at the plot twists in the movie. Once the movie was done , he shouted.

"That's it ? There's gotta be more ? Is there a sequel ?"

"No , that's it."

"Why ? So after all that , she gets pregnant and he stays after all that ?"

Alejandra nodded and his face fell.

"I'm pissed."

"Why ?"

"All that shit, the cheating , the lies , the crime , the media , the MURDER all that only to stay with each other ?"

Alejandra giggled.

"Listen , they tried to be other people. They lost their jobs and everything all they had was each other. She did all that to make him look like the husband that she wanted. Now that they have shit against each other , he will now be the perfect husband and she will now be the perfect wife. They rather live a false image of themselves then have to deal with the person they married."

Kelly scoffed and grabbed another slice of pizza.

"That's so stupid."

"It's okay I was mad until I read the book. It shows how everyone is in the wrong in the situation, even the ones dragged into it. The wife, the husband , his sister, his mistress, the court system , the media."

"I would've killed her for real."

Alejandra laughed and took a sip from her cup and Kelly let out a small laugh.

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