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Erin walked back into the cage and she looked at Alejandra who was arguing with Ruzek. "Why are you two arguing ?"

"I said she was dirty because she hasn't brushed her teeth and she is wearing the same clothes as last night."

Erin looked at Alejandra's outfit and Jay opened his mouth.

"I had a long night , that's it , we aren't talking about it at all."

Jay closed his mouth and nodded as she walked back to her desk.

"We aren't talking about it at all ? Like at all ? Like how you literally look like shit without your glasses ?" Adam told her.

"Wait what's wrong with her without the glasses ?" Jay asked.  Erin walked over and snatched her glasses off.  Her mascara was dried against and around her eyes. "Oh my god." Jay said before laughing to himself.

"You must've had a wild time last time, your hair is messy, have you even brushed it ?"

Alejandra whined and shook her head before it softly hit the desk. Erin laughed and threw her head back.

"I look so ugly !" She shouted. Erin laughed again. "It's not funny."

Antonio let a smile slip. Alejandra couldn't be ugly even if she tried her best. She was just too damn beautiful inside and out.

Alejandra snatched her glasses back and put them on her head, pushing her hair back from her face. Olinsky handed Ruzek a file.

"I looked at it , I saw it was in his father's name."

Ruzek smiled at Olinksy.

"No yeah , so he can give us access to it. Al." He smiled, taking the folder. "You still got it."

Al looked away and gave him a thumbs up before going back to the file box.

"Hey guys Al's still got it, you hear that ?" Ruzek looked at Lindsay as Halstead smiled. "Erin tweet that out , Al's still got it. The world should know."

Kelly looked at the Squad table as he walked out of the main door to the Firehouse.

"Squad grab your things , we gotta go somewhere."

They all piled into the Squad truck and Cruz drove off.

"Where are we going ?"

"To the precinct. I need to drop something off."

Kelly pulled his phone out of his pocket and dialed Erin Lindsay's number. It rung for a second before her raspy voice spoke.

"What do you want ?"

"Wow , give you one of the best nights of your life and that's how you answer the phone ?"

"I'm asking one more time before I hang up." She rudely told him.

"Is Alejandra there ?"

"Who's that ?"

"It's Ali's real name. You didn't know ?"

"Obviously not and-"

He heard her get silent as some voices became loud in the background.

"She actually is."

"I need to give her something she left at my place , you think I come by and give it to her now ?"

Cruz peeked through the rear-view mirror to see Capps face. They both wiggled their eyebrows at each other and Cruz shook his head with a smile as he kept driving to the precinct.

Dodging Bullets || Antonio DawsonWhere stories live. Discover now