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Jisung sighed as he shut his locker and began to walk to his 8th hour class- STEM. He payed no mind to Markhyuck as they bickered with each other over pointless things, rather he got lost in his thoughts about the boy from this morning, Chenle. He paused for a moment as he remembered what the older had said that morning.

"Cuz I enjoyed our lemonade stand, remember?"

He had never had the best memory but he thought for almost certain that he hadn't run a lemonade stand before.

Maybe all of this was just a big misunderstanding?

He didn't even get the chance to say his farewells to his hyungs since before he knew it he was in his STEM room, looking around at the various tables with tall stools around the room. Each table sat two people, the corkboard-like material of the table being covered in writing, drawings, scratches, and dried splotches of hot glue.

He took his seat carefully and sighed. Now he just had to wait for that Chenle boy to arrive.

And as if by some miracle he came walking through the classroom door with his head down. Jisung frowned as he noticed why Chenle had his head down. Trailing behind him were two boys that Jisung didn't recognize. They kept on laughing before throwing more teases at him.

"Aw, is the little baby gonna cry?~" one of them teased. The other laughed.

"Yeah! Are you gonna go whining to your little family?~" the other poked on.

"Where are your gay ass parents?" The first one spat, grabbing Chenle's sleeve and pulling him back. Chenle gasped and flinched away as best he could when he was being heald by the other. "Huh? Where are those pansies?"

Jisung felt a fire rage inside of him at those words. Who did these kids think they were? Who were they to judge Jeno and Jaemin for their sexuality? What kind of disgusting-

"Hey! You!" The two looked up at Jisung as he came stalking over. "Who do you two think you are? Judging people for their sexuality for one, that's horrible enough on its own, but then on top of it fucking with Chenle for what? The satisfaction of knowing you pissed me off and made him upset?" Jisung growled as he stood protectively before Chenle. The older was more then shocked at his actions as he stood behind the younger boy, watching his fists clench as he waited for a fight. The two scoffed.

"Hey Felix, don't you think we should teach this kid a lesson?" The other boy nodded.

"Alright Chan let's show em." Jisung tensed up as the boys stepped forward, preparing himself for a fight.

"Chenle! There you a-" Jaemin froze in the classroom doorway when he saw Jisung standing in front of Chenle protectively, facing Chan and Felix with posture that told them that he wouldn't hesitate to throw fists. Felix turned and looked at Jaemin, watching as Jeno came in behind him.

"Hey look, it's those faggots-" Jisung stepped forward and swung a ruthless fist at Felix's face. The boy stumbled to the ground from the sudden impact. Chan threw a punch at Jisung's head but he dodged it, the blow instead only hitting his shoulder harshly.

The impact moved him back a little, but not too much as he stepped forward and shoved the boy back into the shelves against the walls, watching as a couple of the projects from various classes cam crashing down, barely missing Chan's head.

Jisung stepped toward Felix who tried to scramble to his feet but Jisung kicked him back down.

"I swear to fucking god if you try to make fun of them for their sexuality one more time-" Felix chuckled from the ground.

"What does it matter to you? Those gay fucks-"

And Jisung didn't hesitate to kick Felix in the face, listening as his head hit the ground with a harsh crack.

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