~ Stay ~

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Thanks again YTB_23 for the picture

Jisung was starting to think that maybe Renjun was right.

Maybe it was time to move on and starting letting people in again.

That's what he was thinking in that moment when he saw the boy alone in the rain.

Let's back track to a little earlier that day.

Jisung had brought the older back to Jeno and Jaemin, getting thanked hundreds of times for it, but it made all three of them late for class.

Three out of four of them got detention.

The one who didn't?


Now, Jisung, Jeno, and Jaemin didn't get the chance to tell Chenle any of this or what was going to happen.

And it was raining after school.

So when the three of them got out, they exchanged numbers and said to text the other person if they found him.

Jisung walked alone down the sidewalk of the old neighborhood, not really caring if he caught a cold. It wouldn't matter anyway, he could just go to Hyuck and get one of the boys remedy teas that he swore worked on anything.

As he walked by the park, he saw someone crouching down on the path a little ways in. He squinted to try and make out the figure before giving up with a sigh. He rolled his eyes and began walking down the path quickly.

"Hello? Sir- or ma'am..?" The person stood up and turned around with a small smile, that smile widening when he saw Jisung.

"Hi!" He said excitedly. Jisung walked over and softly took hold of the olders hand.

"There you are Chenle.. Come here kid." He said softly, guiding Chenle over to be underneath one of the big overhangs above the picnic table area. He had Chenle sit down and took off his backpack, unzipping the main pouch and digging through it. "Do you have a jacket?" He asked, his voice softer then he thought it could get.

"No.." The older said gently. "But I have this cute little froggy!" He said excitedly, holding up his hand for Jisung to see. The younger jumped back a bit before slowly leaning forward to look at the frog. It was cute he had to admit. He didn't even notice the smile on his face as he leaned back again.

"That is cute. Now here-" he paused and took off his jacket that hadn't gotten too wet from the rain yet, leaving him with just a black t-shirt (Well and pants and such of course but you get what I mean.) "Put this on. I can hold the froggy while you do that. Is that okay?" Chenle nodded and carefully slid the tiny frog onto Jisung's hand, taking the jacket and putting it on. The younger smiled at the small critter in his hand, the softness of this entire scene making him feel happy.

"Done!" Chenle said, putting his arms in the air. Jisung chuckled softly at the sight. The arms were too long for him and they draped over his hands, but it still worked. He just looked so cute..

It was when Jisung found himself admiring the boy that he looked away, clearing his throat and frowning again.

"You would've caught a cold out here if I hadn't come.. Your hands are already freezing." He remarked, pulling an umbrella out of his bag. "Come on, I'm taking a shortcut home so we should be at my place soon. Then we can call Jeno and Jaemin and they can come to pick you up." Chenle nodded and took the frog from Jisung, setting it softly in the grass and standing back up. Jisung opened the umbrella and handed it to the smaller.

"Come on." He said softly. Chenle took the umbrella in one hand and instinctively took Jisung's hand in the other before he began to walk. The younger ended up in front eventually, leading the way to his apartment complex.

"Is there gonna be yummy foods at your house?" Chenle asked, stepping into some big puddles on purpose. Jisung shook his head no.

"I'm sorry Lele, but there normally isn't yummy food at my place... But it's nice and warm, and I can get you some clean clothes too." Chenle nodded as they continued to walk.

It didn't take long for them to get to the apartment, Jisung having the older leave his shoes in the entryway. He lead him to his room and had him sit on the bed, taking the jacket off of the boy. He got a warm clean sweatshirt out for him and turned on his phone, dialing Jeno's number and calling.

It only rang a couple of times before the older boy answered.


"Jeno! I found Chenle at the park.. He's at my house now though so if you could come pick him-"

"Goddamn it Lee Jeno where in the world did you put it!

I don't know! Why would I know? I didn't even touch it last!

Every fucking time.. I swear you're so forgetful.

And you're hotheaded! Good lord what is your problem.."

Jisung listened to Jeno and Jaemin argue over the phone with wide eyes. He looked at Chenle and sighed, checking the time on his watch.

"Hey Jeno.. What if I had Chenle stay here tonight... So that you and Jaemin can get your stuff..... Sorted out." There was a sigh from the other end and he could hear the annoyance in Jeno's voice as he replied.

No really Jisung its fine.. I'll be there to get Chenle in a little bit I just need to-" he paused, huffed. "God Jaemin just forget about it! What does it even matter!

Jeno that was my mothers, that's why it matters!

So what if its your goddamn mothers-

I swear you talk bad about her one more time and I wont hesitate to-"

Jisung felt a chill go up his spine at the harsh sound on the other end. There was a moment of silence where everything was completely still on both ends before he heard Jaemin's soft crying in the background.

"Oh my god Jaemin please I-

Don't fucking talk to me!" There was more silence and Jisung assumed that Jaemin had walked away. He didn't care anymore. He hung up the phone and texted Jeno.

Chenle is staying the night however long it takes for you to get your shit together.

And that was all he said before he shoved his phone in his pocket. He let out a deep breath and looked at Chenle, trying his best to smile.

"I have some lemonade in the fridge and then we can go downstairs on an adventure. We're gonna go visit Haechanie, okay?" Chenle nodded.

"Am I staying the night?" He asked innocently. Jisung nodded.

"Yeah... Just for a little while." He said. He grabbed his backpack and pillow, telling Chenle to follow him. They got lemonade out of the fridge and went downstairs. Before Jisung could knock on the door Chenle stopped him.

"J-Jisung.." The younger looked down at him.


"Are Jeno and Jaeminie f-fighting..?" Jisung paused for a second before slowly nodding.

"Yes. But as soon ad things are back to normal you can go back to them, okay?" Chenle nodded.

"C-can you...." Jisung tilted his head.

"What is it Lele?"

"Can you s-sleep with me t-tonight?"

"Of course."


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