~ Walk ~

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Jisung sighed as they walked down the sidewalk downtown. They had to walk back home, which was taking a while but what do you expect. They walked down the streets by each other's side, watching as the cars zoomed by on their way to their jobs or homes. Most of them were going home since it was about that time.

"So then, I assume that you and that Chenle kid made up in the end?" Renjun commented, kicking the rock in front of himself nonchalantly.

As if it wasn't making his blood boil to imagine it.

Jisung shrugged, the grip on his backpack straps tightening.

"Yeah.. I think." He said, the awkward silence once again taking over. Jisung was starting to go crazy because of it, so with a sigh, he stopped walking. Renjun stopped and turned to look at him.

"What is it Sungie?"

He asked. The younger let out a sigh and met his gaze with a smile.

"Hyung, how about I treat you to some ice cream? My treat since you didn't leave without me today." Jisung suggested with a lopsided smile. Renjun laughed, shaking his head before reaching up and ruffling the youngers hair.

"You're so cute Sungie.. Sure, let's go." Jisung smiled brighter at that, taking Renjun's hand without another thought and leading him quickly up the street a little ways, pausing at the corner.

Across the street from the city library was a small ice cream shop, the sign made to look old reading "Graley's" in fancy white hand writing. Jisung smiled as he pulled Renjun into the shop behind him.

The bell rang with a familiar 'ding' before a deep voice rang clearly around the shop from behind the counter.

"Hi! Welcome to Graley's." They said. Jisung waved at the man behind the counter who wore a black button up shirt under his dark brown apron. The man's smile was accompanied by adorable dimples, his pink hair shone nicely under the light.

"What can I get for you two today?" He asked. Jisung watched as Renjun walked forward excitedly, looking at the many different flavors of ice cream available. He gasped when he saw a certain flavor.

"Oh my gosh! I'll take two scoops of the coffee ice cream!" The man chuckled.

"In a cone or a cup?"

"Cup please!" Renjun said excitedly with a smile. The man nodded and began scooping the ice cream, handing the cup to Renjun.

"Hey Johnny! We're out of the coffee can I get a refill?" The man called into the back room before looking at Jisung. "And for you?"

"Johnny? As in Johnny Seo?" Jisung asked. The man smiled and nodded.

"Yeah. How'd ya know him?"

"Oh, we go to the same school." Jisung explained.

"Ah, I see. Well in that case, so do I! Jung Jaehyun, I'm a senior at your school." He said, reaching a hand over the counter. Jisung took his hand and shook it lightly with a nod.

"Park Jisung, freshman." Jaehyun chuckled.

"Alright kid, what can I get yah?" Jisung looked at the flavors, his eyes hovering on a specific one.

"Um, two scoops of the lemon bar ice cream in a cup please." He said. Jaehyun smiled, his dimples showing again.

"Coming right up!"

Jisung payed for their ice cream and with a final nod to Johnny who had just walked out of the backroom with a tub of ice cream, they left the shop.

The sky was begining to darken, the soft coolness of night beginning it's decent on them. The clear sky showed off all of the sky to them as the pink hues flowed elegantly into purples and navy blues that rippled beyong the skyline opposite the setting sun. The soft white lights of the street lamps illuminated the path even though the sun could still be seen, its rays reflecting off the many shops they walked by.

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