~ Argument ~

285 21 16

Thanks YTB_23 for the picture uwu 💕💕

Jisung looked at himself in the mirror as he ran through the moves to the recent song he was learning, sighing when he messed up again. He stopped and stared at himself in the mirror, frowning as he looked at himself.

What if his dad did leave because of him?

He stopped and turned when he heard the door open, forcing a smile as Renjun walked in, shutting the door behind him.

"Hey Renjun.." He said, turning back to the mirror and going through the motions once more. The older watched carefully for a bit until Jisung got to the move he was struggling with. He held up a finger and Jisung froze, watching as Renjun walked over and moved his limbs to put him in the proper posture.

"What's bothering you?" He asked bluntly as he helped. Jisung bit the inside of his cheek.


"Ji, dont lie to me." He said sternly, not meeting Jisung's gaze as he looked him up and down to check his posture once more.

"I just... Why are me and this Chenle kid friends? Why do we need to be? Cuz I can tell you guys want this.." Renjun furrowed his brows.

"What do you mean?"

"Your boyfriends have been-"

"They aren't my boyfriends." Renjun said. Jisung scoffed, rolling his eyes and standing normal.

"Whatever. Jeno and Jaemin have been trying to force me with him all year and I can tell." He said moodily. He threw his hands up. "I just don't get why the fuck I need to be friends with him. I have enough people in my life, you guys are all I need." He said, raising his voice a little. "I dont need another prick weaseling into my life just to pick me apart from the inside out!"

"Will you shut up!" Renjun suddenly said. Jisung stopped, flinching a bit. "You're such a spoiled little brat sometimes. You have a mother who tries so hard and loves you with all her heart, you have a home and friends who will do anything for you, you have meals on the table every night and money in your lunch account but you take everything you have for granted!" He shouted. Jisung shrunk down a little.

"Who pissed in your Cheerios.. What the fuck Jun." Renjun clenched his teeth and let out a deep sigh.

"For once in your life would you do something for someone else without having to gain from it? Fuck I bet you'll gain a lot from being friends with Chenle. You might even gain more then a friend if you just give it a chance.." Renjun had calmed down a bit, lowering his voice to a calm level. "And it's time you move on from that. You weren't the only one he effected. Jisung, I think its time you start letting people in again. I'm tired of seeing my best friend always so moody and on edge. I wish you would just go back to the old Jisung I remember. The kind, calm, fun to be around one. Not the moody edgy teen one.." Jisung looked up at Renjun with anger in his gaze, tears blurring his vision a bit as he tried not to cry.

"Well I want my dad back but we can't all get what we want, huh?" He asked, getting his bag off the floor and storming towards the door.


"What." He said, the word dripping with a sudden hatred.

"You know I didn't mean it like that. I miss you Jisung-"

"I'm right here." Jisung's stern tone counteracted Renjun's now calm one.

"No Jisung. You aren't. I don't know where you put that little head of yours but the fall is gonna hurt worse the higher you go." He said simply. Jisung shook his head.

"Maybe that's what I want.." He muttered under his breath before storming out, slamming the door behind him and leaving Renjun to wonder what just happened.

And it's time you move on from that. You weren't the only one he effected.

Jisung shook his head as the sentence played over in his head. He stormed down the empty halls to his next class, knowing lunch would be over soon so there was no point going back to the cafeteria.

He turned the next corner, stopping abruptly before he could run into the person standing there.

He looked down at the boy with a frown, getting a cheery smile and a hug from the other.

"Super Lemon Boy! What crime did you fight today?" Jisung stood awkwardly, looking down at the boys head.

"Um, I have a name you know." The older nodded, pulling away from where he had his face buried in Jisung's chest.

"I know.. I don't remember it though." Jisung sighed and pulled the boy off of him. He reached out a hand and forced a small smile. It didn't look happy at all, but the other didn't mind.

"Chenle, I'm Park Jisung." He said. The older eyed his hand, takin it and smiling up at the tall boy.

"Jisung, I'm Park Chenle." Jisung's eyes widened and he shook his head.

"N-no! Not Park. What's your first name?" Chenle tilted his head.

"Zhong?" Jisung nodded.

"Yeah. Then you're Zhong Chenle. Not Park Chenle." The older frowned.

"But I like Parks.. Parks are fun to play at! I wanna be a Park..." Jisung shook his head as the boy began to pout.

"No no! Zhong's are cooler anyways.. You don't wanna be a Park. Its nothing to be proud of." He mumbled as he looked at his feet. Chenle frowned.

"Oh.." He said sadly before brightening up again. "Well, I was going to fill up my water bottle from the water fountain all by myself!" He said with a proud smile. Jisung nodded.

"Good for you.." He said before begining to walk past Chenle. He paused mud step and turned back. "Do Jaemin and Jeno know where you are?" The older shook his head.

"No.." Jisung sighed.

"They're gonna have a fit! Come on, I'll take you to the water fountain, then we gotta go find one of them to tell them you're alright." Chenle nodded as Jisung turned back and began heading in the direction he had come from. He took hold of the olders wrist, beginning to pull him down the hall towards the water fountain. Chenle let out a small whine as he let go and turned to the older.

"What?" He asked, a bit sharper then he should've. Chenle pouted.

"That hurt my wrist..." He muttered. Jisung sighed.

"Just- fill up the water bottle." He said, crossing his arms and waiting. The older nodded slightly, taking off the top and beginning to fill it. Jisung watched him do it, the boys eyes flicking from the bottle to Jisung and back again. The younger huffed. "You know you shouldn't just walk off from Jaemin and Jeno without telling them. If something were to happen and no one knew where you were, there could be serious trouble." He advised. Chenle nodded, understanding of what was being said but only half listening. He was more focused on the sudden change in Jisung's attitude from this morning.

"What happened?" He suddenly asked.


"What happened? Why do you seem upset?" Chenle asked carefully. Jisung sighed and shook his head.

"Nothing happened, just- had a difficult morning is all." Chenle nodded.

"Okay.." He didn't fully believe the older but didn't want to push him since it was clear he didn't wanna talk about it. He smiled brightly as he finished, screwing on the lid and turning to Jisung. "All done!"

"Alright. Lets go, I dont wanna worry them."


Sorry I'm a day late on updating and this is the first chapter that's only 1000 words I think..


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