~ Sleep ~

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"Jaemin.." Jeno called as softly as he could hear the younger crying in his room.

"Go away Jeno.. You've done enough today...." Jeno felt his heart ache at the pain-filled voice, looking down at the necklace in his hand.

"I.. I really didn't mean to Jaemin please don't do this can't we talk it out..?" He heard a slight sniffle from the other side of the door, tears forming in his own eyes at the sound. It suddenly swung open, Jaemin standing in the doorway. He was holding in his hands Jeno's sweatshirt which he had been wearing earlier, tears streaming down his cheeks, one of them evidently red with the beginnings of a handprint stinging across it. Jeno covered his mouth with his hand, shaking his head slowly as the realization began to hit him of what he had done "Please I'm sorry I just- it's just that- I-" he paused, feeling his lip tremble. He was at a loss for words. There was no excuse for what he had done. No reason why hitting his boyfriend could possibly be justifiable or okay. Jaemin pushed the hoodie to the olders chest with a scowl.

"I don't know who you are, but no boyfriend of mine is going to hit me and get away without consequences." Jaemin spat. Jeno watched with wide eyes as the younger walked towards the door, putting on his jacket and pausing in front of it. "I'm leaving." Jeno took hurried steps forward, gaze desperate.

"W-where are you going? Are you g-gonna come back? Jaemin-"

"Im going anywhere that isn't here." He paused, turning to look into Jeno's eyes. The eyes that Jeno loved so dearly, normally filled with passion and adoration now filled with a cold disappointment. "And I don't know Jeno. Will I be back? Do you really deserve me if you're going to hit me?" Jaemin spat, swinging open the door in one go and walking out without another word.

Jeno pressed his back against the door and slid down to be seated on the floor, looking at the necklace in his hands with tears blurring his vision.

"I'm sorry... I'm s-so sorry Jaemin.... Please come back."


Jisung knocked quickly on the apartment door, gripping Chenle's hand tightly in his own. The door opened, revealing Haechan, who looked tired and surprised, but not unwelcoming as he stepped aside. 

"Welcome! You two are a surprise..." Jisung nodded, pressing his lips together tightly and leading Chenle straight to the couch. Mark was there, and he gave a surprised look to the duo, a handful of popcorn stopping halfway on its way to his mouth. He raised a brow.


"Popcorn!!" Chenle exclaimed, leaning over and stealing a handful, humming happily at the taste. Jisung nodded.

"Yes, now, I need to go talk to Hyuck, I'll be back.." Jisung said, turning to leave the room and go to the kitchen where he knew Haechan would be waiting.

"Wait!" Chenle called, making the younger turn again. "Lemonade..?" He asked. Jisung sighed, a fond smile spreading on his lips and he nodded.

"Yes, we can have some lemonade when I get back." Chenle cheered quietly, followed by a giggle as Mark grabbed his attention with something on the TV. 

Finally, Jisung made it into the kitchen where Haechan stood leaning against the sink, arms crossed in front of his chest and a questioning gaze watching him pointedly. The younger sighed.


"Do Nomin know?" Jisung furrowed his brows.

"What? Yes, they know he's-"

"What about Renjun? When were you planning on breaking his heart?" Donghyuck asked, a much too serious look on his face.

"Huh? How would Chenle spending the night break Renjun's heart?" Jisung asked. Haechan shook his head.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2022 ⏰

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