6. No way

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Jungkook grits his teeth, fisting tightly under the table as he allows himself to listen to the verdict. " On the charge of murder of Chan Family, we find the accused Kim Mingyu NOT Guilty by reason of Insanity. This court order his detention in mental asylum and will remain there until declared eligible for release, So ordered. " Jungkook takes a deep breathe as he closes his eyes listening to the pounding of the wood hammer by the Judge.

He felt like his world came crashing down around when he lost the case, first ever that this happened to him. As he bit his lower lip, he tasted his own blood wondering how the hell this case turned out to be this way. The accused pleaded Not guilty during Arraignment, his defense is insanity. He presented only the testimony of a psychiatrist (well the problem with this one is that the said psychiatrist is a well known for his impressive credibility credentials and good standing, trustworthy status in the society). While Jungkook got all the evidences pointing the blame all to the accused. It was obvious, the guy is guilty with all the DNA collected in the crime scene. He got himself a witness, one of the assailants, to testify against Kim Mingyu. But during the trial, he didn't arrive as planned. It's either the person lied, everything was staged so that Jungkook will bite the trap sets for him or someone sabotaged it.

He doesn't understand it all. He opens his eyes to look at the opposite side as he heard the claps congratulating the opposing counsel for winning the case while on his side, the sobs of those grieving relatives of the victims. How are there people who still find joy at the griefs of others?

While he was watching them in disgust, he felt a gentle hand placed on his shoulder with soft squeeze. " Kook, I know it is hard but this happens. Sometimes you win and sometimes you lost a case. " He heard Hoseok mumbles, careful not to push his button. He knows how hurtful it was for his Dongsaeng.

Without looking at Hoseok. " Hyung, it's not okay. " He disagreed. " For every incompetence a lawyer displayed in practice, innocent people will suffer, denied of Justice and subjected to persecution. How can I call myself a lawyer? There's no room for failure in this field of work. Life, Freedom, And hope are what's at stake. " Jungkook is disappointed of himself. Bitterness is all he can taste inside his mouth.

" Jungkook don't blame yourself. " Hoseok's voice is comforting. Jungkook wanted to tear up. " What else can you possibly do? You did everything under your power. You've spent a lot of time to this case. You barely slept and have time for Sarang. You did good, it's just that the decision, you have no longer power over that. "

Jungkook looks up at Hoseok. " Good will never be Best hyung. I feel like I should have done better. "

" Then what, you've gone crazy? Locked up in a mental asylum instead of the accused. Is that what you want, huh?! " Hoseok mutters, slightly mad and eyes literally glares at the younger. On the other hand, Jungkook flinched at the harsh statement and so Hoseok decided to laylow. " Don't even think that you've done nothing, and everything is pointless. Everything happens for a reason Kook. Be patient. Everything will soon fall into its own rightful place. "

Jungkook becomes sadder with the attempt to cheer him. He appreciates it but he can't fool himself. He can't just close his eyes and breathe, and everything will be okay after. " I wish it is that easy hyung. "

Hoseok remains silent, he doesn't know what to say next, he feels like whatever he says to Jungkook right now will only hurt the younger. Jungkook is too close minded right now. No matter how much he tries to comfort him, Jungkook still lost the case and he's hurt because of it. Sometimes, it's not the comforting words that is needed but a space and time for himself.

People slowly leave the place one by one until only Jungkook and Hoseok were left behind. Hoseok didn't leave Jungkook alone, though he respected the younger's silence all throughout the period that they are together. When Jungkook finally collected himself, he glances at his right side. " Thank you for staying hyung but I am okay now. " He said, but his expression doesn't seem close to being okay. His eyes look lifeless and tired, Hoseok sighs as he observes Jungkook.

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