7.1. About Last Night part 1

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" What? " Jimin mouthed, noticing the shock on the face of the prosecutor, his mouth was agape.

What's with him now, he wonders.

Jungkook gulps the lump in his throat, trying to avoid the question. He suddenly remembers the scenes from last night. It was too embarassing. He secretly wishes that the ground will swallow him till nothing is left.

" Are you gonna keep gawking like that? Call Sarang, I will drop her to the School. " Jimin snaps. The prosecutor is acting strangely for a reason that he doesn't have to hear. If he doesn't finish this quick, he will face a bigger problem to deal with. There's no way he can prepare himself for what is coming. That's why he shouldn't be late today at work. He needs to be there earlier to compensate the time that was robbed yesterday. It's not the manager that matters but it's Tae's mouth, his voice while nagging is definitely loud and ear piercing. If this prosecutor before him is annoying, tae's mouth is worse.

" What? " Is the word that comes out of Jungkook mouth.

" Are you gonna keep gawking like that? Call Sarang- "

" I heard you, okay? " Jungkook mentally rolls his eyes at Jimin. The audicity to repeat it, literally, he huffs. He merely mouthed the word out of shock. He was still in a state of being shaken with the memories of last night, it's hard to act cool about it, and right now he is confronted by the very person that is flooding his head.

" Tsk. Stop asking me what then. Bring your daughter to me instead. "

Jungkook sighs, composing himself to properly face Jimin. " About that, Sarang is not home right now. Will you stop addressing her as if she is not your daughter too? " Jimin didn't respond, and Jungkook takes such silence on Jimin's part as an admission that he was wrong. Unaware that the truth behind it is that Jimin believes, even if he denies it and explains everything, there's no way he can convince Jungkook. He may not be the one who this prosecutor met, but to the latter it is Park Jimin and HE is Park Jimin. And so the most practical act right now is that he's going to take care of Sarang until Park Jihyun decided to appear or if he was lucky to find his brother himself. Only until then, he will act as what to put it, Replacement temporarily. He will quietly leave their side after. " He's at my father's house. I'll ask one of my father's body guards to take her to the School. " Jungkook added.

" Okay. " Jimin nods, and immediately turns his back to leave Jungkook. There's no more reason for him to stay longer. Jungkook on the other hand panics, still bothered of the memories of last night so he swallows the last straw of his pride to mention it. He's against it but he considers the idea that it is better to spill what's flooding his head than regret it later.

" Jimin. " He calls the blonde man while trying to construct in his head the right words he'll gonna say next to Jimin. The latter turns his gaze back at Jungkook, muttering what. He wasn't interested to listen but his curiosity gets the better of his pride. And he doesn't want to admit it but he enjoys, maybe just a little bit, looking at the troubled face of the prosecutor. " About last night, can you just forg-et about it? " Jungkook stutters, avoiding to meet the shorter's gaze.

Oh, so this is what his face all about, Jimin silently chuckles. " What about last night? Be specific, prosecutor Jeon. Which among the events last night that you want me to forget? " He taunts, folding his arms on his chest as he looks at Jungkook while smirking.

" Everything! " Jungkook shouted at the top of his lungs. And Jimin laughs, really laughs genuinely.

Jungkook snorted. " Stop it. "

" What can I do if it is too funny to forget? "

Jungkook winced at the word. " Aisst! Just forget about everything! " He emphasizes, looking away while his face flushes in red. Too embarassed for himself.

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