29. The Not So Happy Birthday part 2

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*/This is Park Woo Sung, Jimin's father

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*/This is Park Woo Sung, Jimin's father. Just in case you are wondering how does he look like./*

Play the most painful song you can think of while reading this.. For me, I kept playing We The Kings Sad Song and This is not goodbye while writing this. 💔 - ahsirk


The door of the room was swung opened forcedly, " Jimin.. " Jin gasped. He was the only one left with Mr. Park, taking care of the older.

" What happened? " Jimin asked, his voice is obviously strained. When Jin couldn't respond, his eyes slowly moves to the direction of the bed and stop at the person lying there, his father, who is unconscious and with a mechanical ventilation support like it's the only thing that's keeping him alive.

" He was still okay this morning. He was smiling a lot. And even told me that he is now going to reunite with his son. " Jin started relaying the story. " I should have known..It's my fault. It's very odd to see him talking much in one day. He is always quiet. Mr. Park has never smiled at you Jin, I realized it.  And yet I didn't do anything to make extra precaution. "

" Hyung.. " Jin's heart was getting pierced  at the way Jimin speaks to him, low and careful. He haven't called him hyung before. " When you said that he is going to die anytime. Do you mean that? "

Jin awkwardly nods, " H-is condition has reached the final stage. " While stuttering.

" With that state, he will ultimately die. " Jimin states making Jin speechless, while holding back his tears. " I know hyung. Before I brought him here in Seoul, I already searched about Dementia. I diagnosed him myself. I know that he has no chance of living that long but I really want to talk with him for the last time. To call me by my name and to smile for me. I really missed my Appa.. very much. "

" Jimin, I'm sorry.. I couldn't keep my promise- "

" Hyung, for making him smile for the last time, you took good care of him so thank you. " Jimin cuts him off making Jin sobbed like the thorn inside his chest has been pulled out while hearing the words from Jimin. It's too sincere and warm. " If I am to speak to him, will he still hear me? "

Jin nods, while wiping his tears on his cheeks. Jin doesn't have to hear Jimin says, the latter needs space. " I'll be outside. Call me when you need something. "

When Jin went outside, closing the door behind him. Jimin waited for the creaking sound of the door closed before he walks towards the bed. As he is on his way, he can practically feel the heaviness of his chest, and hears his footsteps.

And when he reached the edge of the bed and gazes down on his father. He was greeted by the unconscious body of his father, his skin is so pale and dry, he has became thinner. His condition speeds up his age, as he looks like nothing his real age.

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