19. First Date

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Lmao. I dunno if this is coincidence or what? But I finished typing this chapter before the vlive. It is somehow seemed as thesame scene so I had to incorporate some of the clips. 😆😆


" What joke? " Jungkook snapped after trying to absorb what Jimin said. " I don't know that. " He sighed out, smiling faintly. " Now that you heard me confessing, you better hear me out everytime I say something and consider my feelings for you over anything else. " And proudly repeated. " Yes Jimin, I like you. "

" What the hell? Are you kidding me? " Jimin spewed while frowning blatantly and even made a step backward to provide a distance in between.

" I wasn't. " Jungkook snorted. " Do I look like I am playing around? You started the tease and now that you got a response that you haven't expected from me, you are going to retreat? " He eyed Jimin up and down, smirking. " That's not gonna work on me, Park Jimin. "

Jimin gulped, nervously returning such an intense gaze. He really doesn't know what's happening to him when he is around Jungkook. His knees trembled weakly like they become jelly. " T-hat's why I told you I didn't mean any of those. " He even stuttered.

" Then why are you so nervous? "

" Because- " Jimin's eyes widened, automatically stopped talking when Jungkook bent his body forward to show that he is waiting for him to finish his sentence, a smirk grin stretching his face. Jimin just want to wipe it off.

" What? "

" Tsk. "

Jungkook hums in his raspy voice. " What? Cat got your tongue? Let me guess, Is it because you already knew there's no point in arguing back? " He was smiling. It never fails to catch Jimin's state on freeze for a moment to secretly admire his face. Surprisingly, he finds himself smiling at the sight but remembers that he shouldn't.

Shrugging it off, as he clears his throat and changed his expression to a serious one

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Shrugging it off, as he clears his throat and changed his expression to a serious one. " There's no use explaining to someone who's close minded. Think whatever that makes your ego fed up. Not like I care a bit. " He spat then retreated after but Jungkook spoke again.

" I am going to court you. " He announced.

" Opp- " Tae gasped as he just entered the area where Jimin and Suga run to, in which Jungkook discovered when he desperately looked for them. Tae was so shooked.

Just like Tae, Jimin was shocked too with mouth agape and eyes widening as he slowly turned his head back to Jungkook. He can't find the right words to utter.

Jungkook was staring back at him with a blank expression. " I just want to make sure you hear my intention so when I started to make a move on you, you will never misunderstand it as a joke. " He says.

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