47. The Lull Before the Storm

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Let's enjoy this story while it lasts, yeah? It's about to explode. 😏❤

This is long. I hope it compensates the agony for waiting so long🤭


" Pch. What is this? " Suga suddenly came out of nowhere, now standing infront of the two lying on the ground. " Is this the new definition of sparring? You are basically hugging each other. About to eat each other faces. " He spat accusingly with a shrug. " By the way, Nice hair. "

" tsk

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" tsk. " Jimin stood up, ignoring the grumble made by Jungkook as he confronts Suga, leaving the younger still on the ground. " Really? He is better than me? " He murmured causing Jungkook to whip his head at Suga in astonishment. He wants an explanation on what did the older tell Jimin which disappointed the latter this much.

" Can't I throw a joke? " Suga joked chuckling but this didn't impress Jimin as his gaze still fixated at the older. " At least he wasn't bad. " Suga added.

Jimin furrowed. " You should have warned me. " As soon as he finished his sentence, he strikes Suga with the bat, strong enough to make the latter's body jolted to the side with a hiss. " That's for not warning me. " Jimin shifted his stance, kicking Suga on his knees. He makes sure not to put weight on his upper body- for him and his baby's sake. " And that's for keeping me the secret that you knew everything and not telling me. " Jimin is so quick that even if Suga had tried to avoid the attack, he can't.

Suga bent down to massage his knees, throwing a sharp and inquisitive look at Jimin. " What are you talking about? "

" You know exactly what I meant, don't play dumb with me! " Jimin huffed with a death glare.

Suga throws a quick glance at Jungkook. With the expression he sees at the younger face, he now gets the cue that Jimin already found out about the fact that Jungkook knew his identity, involvement and his past.

" So you knew all this time- I should have known. Suga won't care for someone else if he doesn't have a huge reason to do so. " Jimin snickered, demanding answers. " When did you learn about it? How much do you know? I want details, speak. "

" Pch. It was on the night that you chased after Mr. Go- oh right Jungkook didn't know it yet. " Suga hesitated but Jungkook throws a known look.

" I know that Jimin didn't kill him hyung so it's fine. " Jungkook assures.

When Suga returns his gaze to Jimin, the latter merely motion him to continue talking. Not like he intends to keep information again from Jungkook. No more secrets.

" After you came back, Jungkook approached me. He asked me to teach him how to fight as he doesn't want to stay weak. He can't bear the thought that the only thing he could do for you is to wait whenever you are confronted with conflicts and troubles. He wants you to share thesame fight and was able to protect you too. " Suga meant that scene that happened in Chapter 24. " I can't believe I was the one telling you this. You could have asked Jungkook yourself. " He calls out wagging a finger at Jungkook.

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