14. Save Me

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Jimin and Tae decided to extend their scheduled time, taking up night shift too. They are busy attending to the customers when suddenly Jimin stops while he was on his way back to the counter as an image of Jungkook flashed before him. He wasn't even thinking about the prosecutor. Not only that, he felt a flip-flopping in his chest. His hand coming down to massage it, his heart is beating so fast.


As Tae walks past him, busy reciting the orders inside his head, Jimin grabbed him. " Jiminie? What? Oh wait-I forgot about the order. I need to ask the customer again! " Tae yelped, turning his heels to get back to the table. He wasn't writing down so he has the tendency of forgetting it before he reaches the counter to say it.

" Tae. Wait. " Jimin spat, gripping Tae's arm so that he can't get too far.

" Aww? " Tae hissed as he turns his head to give attention to Jimin. " Why Jiminie? " He asked but immediately frowns after he sees his face clearly. " What's happening to you? You look pale. " He placed his palm on Jimin's forehead, checking the temperature but Jimin slaps it, not too harsh just enough to get rid of it.

" I'm fine. Just that I have a bad feeling, let's get out of here. " Jimin suggested, without a follow up explanation to it startling Tae.

" Huh? I thought you are taking night shift today. And where are we going this sudden? " Tae questioned, panicking as his eyes capture the right now state of Jimin. He can't explain it. It looks like Jimin was nervous and uneasy.

" Let's go home. "

Tae didn't buy the response. " What? Go home? No. It brings bad luck if you keep on changing plans. " He refused to listen, even shaking his head to emphasize it.

" Fine. I'll go first. " Jimin tsks.

" You're acting odd. " Tae was being suspicious as he tilted his head to the side, placing his hands on his waist to continue at nagging. " Explain to me why do you want us to leave. I won't shut up until you tell me the truth. " He demanded, purposely blocking the exit for Jimin.

" Tsk. Like I said, if you want to stay then I'll move out first. "

" Jiminie! " Tae shouted. " Everytime you act like this, It always didn't end up well. It's like a fvcking nightmare, always haunt me. I'm tired of always being clueless whenever you leave, waiting for you without any idea if you are still alive or dead. " He cried out.

" Tsk. " Jimin flashed a half smile while gently poked Tae's cheek. " Oi. I just asked us to go home why you got to be emotional all of a sudden. " He looked up at the teary eyed Tae, quietly sniffing with a pout. " S-orry. Let's go. Okay? "

Tae nodded, wiping his tears away. " You're forgiven. " He finally smiled as he takes his hand for them to walk together.


Meanwhile, Jungkook was coughing and spitting blood. They punched and kicked him when he tried to free himself and fought back as they forced him to beg for his life, asking him to apologize and never ever snoop at what they do again. But Jungkook refused, firmly stand up for his principle and what he knows right.

" This was supposed to be a warning only but you're a stubborn little piece of shit. " Gemini spat, obviously apathetic on what they've caused to Jungkook. " What a waste of possessing a beautiful face. If you haven't tried to peek into our game, seeking out for a trouble, I'll probably allow you to bend me over anywhere. I would have been your slut. " She leans forward to steal a kiss but Jungkook moves his head away, causing her to sneer at the blatant gesture. " You gay? " She mutters, earning a glare from Jungkook. He was so tired and in pain to even spat a coherent word. And he was aware that they are just taunting him out, he will not give the joy of feeding their trolls. Gemini did a loud sniffing as if he was checking Jungkook's cologne. " Very manly. " She said while smiling wickedly. " Maybe, I'll get to play with you until I got bored and disposes you after. You'll be the most beautiful art I will ever had a touch onto. I'll put my mark on your face. "

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