Chapter 2.

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Camila's P.O.V
"Hey" I replied almost gasping for air.
"Come in" I gestured with my hand before stepping out of the way.

"Long time no see huh?" She said with her back to me, while scanning my very messy dressing room.

I took this short moment to study her. Her hair was wavy, she let it hang down so it did its own thing. With no surprise it looked perfect with her having to do very little to it. She was wearing high waisted black shorts, exposing her sleek, long tanned legs. On her top half was an off the shoulder black crop top, revealing her toned abs and her defined collarbone. I swallowed at the sight of the goddess in front of me.

"Still haven't got much better at the tidy thing I see" she let out a small laugh. My cheeks flushed as I felt embarrassed by her observation. She wasn't wrong.

I tried to find the courage to say something, anything, but I just couldn't gather any words. I was shouting at myself internally for letting her effect me like this. I thought I had moved on from letting her presence leave me in some sort of trance almost.

"What made you um, come to the show?" I managed to say.

She swiftly turned around to face me.

"Well I was planning on staying in Miami for a few days, and one of my friends had been talking about your upcoming show here. So I thought why not just surprise everyone?" She grinned at me, feeling accomplished that she had successfully followed through on her plan.

"It was a good surprise, you really got me" I giggled.

"I also have a few days off so maybe we could hang out, of course we don't have to, I'm sure you have way more important things to be doing" I said, immediately regretting my words. God I'm such an idiot. As if she wanted to spend her free time with me.

I seen her smiling.
"You still ramble when you're nervous" she said while meeting my eyes.

I felt my pulse quicken. I could hear my own heartbeat in my ears. How could she hold this power over me? All she has to do is say a few harmless words and boom my heart was melted.

The question I had asked still lingered in the air. She hadn't answered it and it left me even more anxious. I felt my palms getting clammier by the second.

Just as she opened her mouth to speak suddenly someone burst through the door. A tall man with dark hair gave a sly grin as he invited himself into the room. He found his way over to Lauren, barging straight past me.

She had a fearful glimmer in her eye, confusing me.

"Hey baby" He slurred.

He grabbed her hips and pressed her up against him. She squirmed in his arms before he pressed a sloppy kiss on her lips.

My gaze fell to the floor uncomfortably.

She looked at me, noticing how awkward I felt. It stung to see her with who I presumed to be her boyfriend.

"Jack stop it" She placed her hands on his shoulders pushing him away. He reluctantly removed his lips from hers.

He didn't let her out of his grasp and left kisses against her neck. 

"Maybe I should, leave use to it" I mumbled with unease.

"Yeah maybe you should" He said lustfully while actually beginning to grind into her.

I noticed he held onto her wrist a little too tightly and I seen her flinch. I didn't know what to do so I just stood there wanting the ground to swallow me up whole there and then.

"No, no Camila please stay. Jack was just leaving" She said sternly before giving him one last shove off of her.

"Whatever, you'll regret that you good for nothing bitch" He spat before stumbling over to the door and slamming it closed.

How could he speak to her like that?

"I'm sorry about that" She mumbled quietly.

"Don't be sorry, it's fine you're allowed to kiss your boyfriend" I smiled weakly.

"Oh he's not my, boyfriend, we just hooked up a few times, and now he's decided it's his mission to get me into his bed. He's a drunk too" She laughed it off while rubbing her now slightly red wrist.

It was then that I had taken notice to the few purple bruises on her arms. Did he do this to her? I felt anger bubble inside of me at the thought of it.

She caught me glancing at the bruises and folded her arms, trying to hide the clearly damaged skin. I was so close to asking what happened however, I didn't want her to feel pressured into telling me if the bruises were actually purposefully made. Plus, her body language suggested she definitely didn't want to speak about it anytime soon.

"Hey, your birthdays coming up soon, right?" I remembered, trying to lift the tension.

"Yeah it is" she said with a small smile.

"I'm actually holding a party at my place, you should come. It'd be a way for us to hang out too" She beamed.

She had finally answered the question and I was over the moon that she actually wanted to spend time with me, nevermind invite me to her birthday. It had been years since I saw her and now suddenly I get to celebrate her birthday with her? I couldn't help but let small squeal slip out.

Lauren just chuckled at me as her phone started ringing. She quickly reached into her pocket and answered.

"Shit sorry, I have to run, but I really hope I see you at the party?" She questioned while sliding her phone back into her picked. She made her way to the door.

She stopped when she reached where I was standing and pulled me into a quick but warm hug.

She had let go just as quickly as she had opened her arms, not giving me enough time to appreciate her closeness.

"Yeah, I'll um, I'll see you, there" I stuttered. I groaned at my own stupidity. I couldn't even get a few words out without sounding like a dying goat.

She walked over to the door and placed her hand on the handle.

"I'll text you the address, it was good seeing you Camz" she smiled fondly at me.

Hearing that nickname sent shivers down my spine. I hadn't heard her call me that since the group was still together.

'Yeah, you too" I smiled back. 'So good' I thought to myself. I had missed her more than I had realised.

And just like that she had disappeared out of the room, letting the door shut softly behind her.

I waited a few seconds before jumping and punching the air, while squealing with joy. I don't know why the thought of going to her house made me so excited. I guess I just couldn't believe I got to spend the night in Lauren Jauregui's company.

God I missed saying that name.

My Forever | CamrenWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu