Chapter 7.

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Lauren's P.O.V
I felt Camila's hand around my waist once again, supporting me as we walked upstairs.

She guided us to my bedroom as I gave her directions. The door opened and I resisted the urge to just plop straight into bed.

Camila's P.O.V
I glanced around Lauren's room. It was beautiful. Her modern, simplistic style showing through the colours and furniture.

I looked at Lauren, her eyes were drooping from all the alcohol she'd taken. I should probably take her makeup off. The perfect white sheets on her bed shouldn't be ruined.

I opened a white door, and it lead me to a huge ensuite. I dragged Lauren in and set her down onto the toilet seat. 

I found some makeup wipes and began removing the smudged makeup off of her face. I gently took her face in my hand, rubbing the lipstick off her lips first. Her eyes fluttered open. I felt her gaze all over my face.

There was a stubborn bit of lipstick on her bottom lip, I used my thumb to rub it off. Her plump lip moved with my thumb, and I couldn't help but notice how nice her lips looked.

I caught her staring at my own lips, eventually meeting my own eyes. A part of me just wanted to kiss her, I'm not sure why. Something was just drawing me into her.

I coughed awkwardly, quickly retreating my hand that was lingering on her cheek.

I got another makeup wipe and moved on to her the rest of her face. Lauren winced in pain as I moved over her other cheek.

I furrowed my eyebrows, wondering how I could've possibly hurt her. I looked closer and saw a dark bruise on her face. My eyes went wide. She noticed and immediately looked down to the floor.

"Lauren, what happened?" I asked softly, also with concern.

"Nothing" She mumbled.

"Lauren if someone did this to you-" I was interrupted by her.

"No one fucking did anything okay? I'm fucking fine" She shouted at me, clearly frustrated.

I jumped, shocked at the sudden outburst.

I knew then I shouldn't ask anymore questions, despite the fact I knew she was lying. It was pretty obvious. If that fucking Jack guy did this to her I swear to god. Maybe I'll try asking her about it tomorrow, when she's sober.

I swallowed hard and decided to carry on removing her makeup, being careful not to apply too much pressure over the injured skin.

She could barely keep her eyes open long enough for me to finish.

I helped her up again and brought her over to the king sized bed. I drew the covers back and she basically collapsed onto the mattress.

I couldn't help but chuckle.

I slipped off her shoes and placed the duvet over her body.

This isn't the first time I've had the drunken aftermath of one of Lauren's nights. One memory in particular stands out.

~Start Of Memory~

I heard a knock at my door. I groaned and checked the digital alarm clock next to me.

4:12 am.

Ugh. Who the hell would be at my door at this time?

The orange strip of light from the street poured in through the cracks between the curtain and window, dimly lighting the room.

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