Chapter 10.

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Lauren's P.O.V
We managed to get a queue skip and free entrance just by saying I knew Ryan, the owner of the club. The bouncer was a little skeptical at first but after some convincing and some proof he let all four of us enter.

The place was completely packed, mostly with really drunk people, roughly around our age. There was multicoloured lights flashing everywhere, and loud music was blasting throughout the club.

We found our way to the bar and gulped down some shots. It wasn't long before the alcohol from the little bar earlier started to kick in, as well as the shots we had just taken.

"Let's dance!!" Abby screamed loud enough for us all to hear over the music.

We managed to manoeuvre our way through the lively crowd, finding some free space to dance.

I let the rhythm of the music take over my body, closing my eyes to really feel it. I was in my own little world without even realising it.

I opened my eyes to see Camila smiling at me, while dancing herself. I returned the smile and continued swaying my hips to the beat, feeling Camila's eyes fixating on me. Almost every inch of me wanted to pull her in close and just feel her skin against mine. But I also quite enjoyed letting her watch me. Knowing I had her full attention got me excited.

We danced for what felt like forever, enjoying every second of it. I could feel a thin layer of sweat across my forehead as the tight crowd was causing the air to be humid.

The night carried on, with more drinking and dancing. Camila and I were enjoying ourselves so much, the alcohol making us giddy so we found almost everything we looked at hilarious.

I would be lying if I didn't say I was extremely attracted to Camila tonight. Well, I am all of the time. But just something about the energy she was giving off tonight, it was driving me insane.

We were on the dance floor for about the 4th time tonight, dancing close to each other. I had no idea where Michael and Abby had gone. The last time I seen them was about an hour ago. I didn't even realise their absence since I was so focused on Camila.

Suddenly, a man came up behind Camila pressing himself up behind her. I glanced down and saw his hands on her hips. I swallowed hard just looking the sight.

He whispered something in her ear, resulting in her to laugh. She turned around to face him, placing her arms around his neck. He bent down to say something else in her ear, and as he did Camila looked at me.

A smirk appeared on her face.

He began to kiss her neck, she threw her head back still holding eye contact with me. Was she trying to make me jealous right now? If so, it was definitely working.

I felt anger bubble up inside of me. I wanted so badly to replace positions with the tall man with dirty blonde hair.

She never broke eye contact with me as they moved along together to the music. I couldn't take it any longer.

I grabbed Camila's wrist and dragged her out of the mans grasp, much to his disappointment, and out of the sweaty crowd. I found myself bringing her to an empty booth.

Fuck. What was I suppose to say to her? That I was jealous? That would just sound ridiculous, right? I mean I'm pretty sure it was a mutual understanding that we were both feeling something tonight.

Questions filled my brain as we sat down together. The music was a lot more muffled due to the secluded area we were in. There were less people around too. Only a few couples making out in separate booths.

I realised how close Camila was sitting next to me, leaving our legs touching.

"Care to explain yourself?" She said with a smile tugging at the corner of her mouth.

I might just be imagining things, maybe the alcohol was playing with my head. But fucking hell, the sexual tension I felt between us right now was unsettling.

"I just didn't like what I was seeing, that's all" I shrugged. I was worried I'd say something stupid.

"Oh yeah? Why's that?" She smirked. She lifted her hand and gently rested it just above my knee. I swallowed nervously. I can't believe she's actually making me nervous right now. No one can usually do that now.

She was examining my face, and it felt like she could read my mind. I felt so vulnerable when she looked at me like that. Like she knew exactly what I was thinking.

I didn't know how to answer her question.

"He just wanted to get in your pants, he probably would've been shit in bed anyway" I mumbled immaturely. Camila just laughed at me. Her laughter soon died down and my attention was brought immediately back to where her hand was as she brushed her thumb over my bare skin.

I couldn't help but realise how our faces were moving closer together.

"And who says you'd be any better?" Camila teased. I felt my heart jolt in my chest as the sentence left her mouth.

"Oh you know I would" I said, my confidence growing.

I glanced at her lips, where she had a smirk plastered. I had such a strong urge to feel her lips on mine. There was silence for a few seconds.

All of a sudden, I felt our lips connect. A fire roared in my stomach from the feeling. My lips tingled from the sensation. The kiss was slow at first, but it soon began to deepen.

I took notice of her hand again, which was now slowly but surely creeping further up my thigh, sending shivers over my body.

I placed my own hand on her jaw, pulling her in closer to me. After a few more seconds she pulled away, still keeping her face close to mine.

"Prove it"

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My Forever | CamrenHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin