Chapter 3.

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Lauren's P.O.V
"Thanks" I smiled to the taxi driver before handing him a generous tip. I felt my boots hit the ground as I shut the door behind me, making my way to my front door. I rummaged through my bag to eventually find my keys, only to see it was already unlocked. Fuck.

I wish I would've never given Jack a spare key to my home, but he had me fooled to believe that he was this loving, sweet boy. I thought he genuinely loved me but his hurtful words and actions clearly suggested otherwise.

I was somewhat scared to step into my own home, wishing I never had to feel that way. I took a deep breath and walked in to find him lying on the couch watching tv. A few too many empty beer bottles were scattered across the floor beneath him.

He eventually realised my presence and I felt his greedy eyes all over my body.

"Jack I told you, you aren't welcome here anymore" I tried to speak confidently.

"Does it look like I give a fuck" He growled. He let his body fall back into the couch.

I had regretted the day I ever let him into my life, the way he had me so tricked was horrible. I had no idea about the monster he would soon become to be.

He was once sweet, and romantic. He would send flowers to my house when I was feeling down, he was always making sure I was alright. He'd make Saturday nights 'our' night, with candle lit dinners and cheesy pick up lines.

I had fallen so hard for him. And he knew it.

And when I finally let him completely into my life, he eventually became what he is today. An aggressive, narcissistic, abusive asshole. I've tried to remove him from my life but he holds things I regret over my head anytime I threaten to leave him.

I was stuck.

I couldn't believe I had let him take such control over me. I didn't realise things had gotten so bad until I would choose my my outfit according to how I needed to cover any bruises he had inflicted.

I felt hopeless thinking about it so I made my way upstairs and quickly got changed into a pair of leggings and an oversized hoodie. I tied my hair into a messy bun made my way to the kitchen.

I opened the fridge to collect the ingredients I needed to make a sandwich. I began making it when I heard the tv switch off, and heard footprints coming towards the kitchen.

I tried to swallow the lump forming in my throat when I heard him come up close behind me.

"You're ass looks so good in those leggings" He slurred. I felt his rough hands hungrily cup my ass. He pressed sloppy kisses against my bare neck at the same time.

"Get off of me" I struggled to remove myself from his grasp. I could smell the alcohol in his breath.

I knew he hated when I didn't obey him. Sometime I would just rather give in to his desires, than to have bruises all over my body that I would spend hours trying to hide. But right now I couldn't think of anything worse than having sex with him.

He held on tightly to my hips, digging his fingers in and causing me to wince in pain. He laughed wickedly when he received the reaction he wanted. Without thinking I spat on him.

There was silence for a few seconds before the loud sound of his hand reaching my cheek at such a strong force, causing me to tumble to the ground, rang through the air.

The burning sensation began to kick in. I held my face as I started to feel the pain.

"You fucking worthless cow" He hissed.

I fought the urge to cry as his dark body towered over mine. I felt a single tear roll down my cheek.

"Yeah cry you weak bitch, I don't even know why I still fuck around with your useless-" He was interrupted by his phone ringing.

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