Fairy Tale 2

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He is inside the cabin but his mind was still in that enchanted place where he met his angel.he is a famous person who is surrounded by the most beautiful elegnant graceful girls but he haven't looked at them twice but what has changed now ? why he..?"for one boy..my heart beats..my soul craves ..my mind yearns ..that one boy..."

A new change is happening in two souls. when one is aware of its change other has no idea that a world is waiting for his which is beautiful than the world he has made for himself. a world which is soulfully his. Forth is a man who has his own principles but the feeling he hasn't named the emotion which he can't control ,one is overwhelming the logic commonsense .

Forth has got a new routine for himself that's to get a glimpse of that boy, his angel. yeah he is his , and now he wanted to feel that emotion ,whatever it is..

Every morning has started by visiting him in his shop. but each experience was the same ,he didn't even looked at him but each visit made him close to that boy. He know about the silent looks he give to him, when he is not looking at him .but a simple daisy or while calla lily that he put on the table everyday remained there till the next day .but he has made sure that he always put flowers for him ..when he see the flowers, he should know what it means ..what he mean to him..it means it symbolizes innocence and purity like his angel ..lately the changes that he showed in the boy behavior wasn't escaped from his eyes. In his presence he became more nervous and when he is nervous he starts to stutter or start to fumble around the words or do things fumblingly...eventhough he didn't looked at him or talked to him..he will wait ...

The shop has become his solace his presence made him feel like home.. a beautiful home and it made him needy for his presence. the morning glimpses were not enough so he started to follow him without his knowledge..he has seen him in the park where he visits once or twice in the week sitting far from the crowd...has seen his loneliness..the pain ..hurt and the deep wounds which hasn't healed by the time...the burden which he carry around him.he want to be the light in her shell..but he looks like a shadow ..dark and empty..

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