I'm in charge

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"This is all your fault!" Zayn groaned at Harry while they were sitting outside the medical room.

"You were provoking me!"

"You'll say whatever to pick up a fight!"

"Want me to pick up a fight right now?!"

"Shut the fuck up already!"

Harry slapped Zayn.

"You're not getting any drugs" Zayn decided.

"Yes I am. I'm the boss!"

"Is that the only sentence you know?!"

"It's the one that scares little pussies like you!"

"I'm not a fucking pussy. I was here before you are right now!"

"SHUT UP ALREADY!" a security member shouted at them.

They shut up both stubbornly in their mind blaming the other one.

"Malik!" The nurse called.

"Why is he the first one!" Harry stood up in anger.

"He's younger Mr. Styles please sit down now"

How old is he? Harry thought. He looks like he has been trough a lot.

Zayn stood up and walked into the ordination not making any eye contact with Harry.


"Do we have to act like we don't know?" Liam asked.

"I recommend yes. I have never really confronted him about it, but I have a feeling he wouldn't like someone being nosy about his personal stuff"

"Yeah, you're right" Louis nodded.

"Where is Zayn! I am dying for a fucking bat!" Justin groaned.

"Harry almost killed him would you relax. They'll probably get here tomorrow morning" Liam said. Him and Louis were sitting on Justin's bed while Niall was sleeping on the upper bed. Not even an almost murder woke him up.

"He did get him pretty good. Poor guy" Louis agreed.

"Relax. Zayn's a tough guy. I know him. He doesn't like to fight, that's true, but he is a lot tougher than he looks" Justin said chuging on a bottle of vodka he bought from some guy in section 3.

"You know a lotta shit, don't you?" Louis asked looking at Justin.

Justin laughed.

"Yeah ... I do" he said happily.

"How long have you been here?" Liam asked leaning into the cold wall.

"5 years"

Louis whistled.

"What did you do?" Liam asked.

"I don't talk about it" Justin said looking away.


"Don't talk to me" Zayn said after they were done in the medical room.

"I wasn't plainning to"



"Quiet!" Officer yelled at them.

They came back to their unit at 7 am the next morning and Harry and Zayn went their separate ways. Harry went into the gym and Zayn went to play poker with his gang.

"Lou dawg wins again!" Justin announced and threw his money at Louis.

"That's right pay me bitches" Louis said proudly.

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