Truth or dare?

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Zayn woke up around 11am the next morning. He slept really well. There was no constant tension and anger around him.

He walked out of his new cell and found Harry sitting with Liam and Justin at their table. They were peacefully chatting, which was really unlike Harry's style.

That's wierd? He thought. Oh well when it came to Harry nothing seemed normal anymore.

He sat down with them.

"Morning princess" Justin smiled.

Harry gave him a death stare and Zayn saw it. But he chose to ignore it.

"Slept well I see" Liam chuckled.

"It was so peaceful" Zayn smiled. Not once he looked at Harry. He knew this would drive him crazy so he kept doing it.

"So it was boring?" Harry asked drawing attention to himself.

"No not at all. I had the time of my life there" Zayn said leaning on the table looking Harry directly into his eyes.

"Good for you" Harry half growled trough his gritted teeth. He was visibly angry.

Zayn didn't exactly knew why was Harry acting like that and why was he so angry, but whatever the reason was it seemed to amuse Justin a lot.

"Do you miss your old cellie?" Justin asked poking right into the soft spot for Harry. He never knew when to stop and be quiet. A man would think that so many years in prison would teach him a lesson. It didn't seem so, or he just liked getting beat up.

Harry punched Justin into his face. He fell from his chair down on the floor.

"And stay there!" Harry yelled at him.

He looked back at Zayn.

"So? Do you miss me Styles?" Zayn smirked still staring into Harry's eyes.

Harry leaned into the table too.

Their faces were pretty close and they were both staring into each other's eyes.

"I couldn't be happier you're gone" Harry hissed at him.

Zayn's smirk grew wider making Harry nervous.

Zayn knew how to play those games and he has decided it's time to bring it on for them.

He leaned closer so their lips almost touched.

Harry could feel Zayn's hot breath on his lips.

He licked them.

"Then I'm not coming back any soon" Zayn whispered next to Harry's lips. Almost touching them.

Harry felt shivers down his spine.

Then Zayn quickly pulled away.

Harry was speechless. He enjoyed Zayn's closeness and then it was taken away so quickly.

He got a bit angry but didn't show it. He knew that was what Zayn wanted from him.

Zayn leaned back with that sexy smirk still on.

"I'm glad it's that way" Harry growled quietly.

"Great" Zayn smiled.

Liam scratched the back kf his head.

"I'll go check on Louis" he said and stood up.

No one replied to him.

Justin was still on the floor busy with himself. And Harry and Zayn were busy still teasing each other and staring at each other.

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