You again?

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6 months later

Zayn walked downstairs. Louis and Liam were in the kitchen making a mess and laughing.

They all moved in together a month ago. It was quite fun to live with them actually.

It was like a fresh new start. They've decided to leave their jail experience behind them and they did not take hard drugs anymore.

"Morning!" Louis laughed when he saw Zayn walk in and Liam nodded at him.


Zayn was still not feeling the best from the experience he had in jail. He wanted to forget about everything. Especially about ... that guy.

He has never really talked about it to anyons. Louis and Liam knew all about it of course. But they knew Zayn was not ready to talk about it.

The last two months in prison were a nightmare. Him and Harry were both in a bit of a shock and hurt, so all they did was fight and have sex.

However, they spent the last month there ignoring each other. Zayn couldn't wait to leave that place and he promised to himself to never get back there.

He took some coffe off the counter and threw his school bag on his shoulder.

"Bye guys! See you soon" He greeted and they both waved at him.

"I should get going too baby" he heard Liam said when he was closing the door.

It was fun pretending everything was fine.

He was now a senior in highschool. There were only a few weeks left till he can leave the school.

As usual he walked into his class, 3 minutes late.

"Malik! Only 3 minutes. I'm proud!" Mr. Corden said jokingly.

Mr. Corden was his favourite teacher. He was the only one not judging him because of his prison experience. Mr. Corden knew Zayn's past so he knew what got him to that point.

Zayn smiled at him and sat on his spot.

The school came around quickly and Zayn went home.

"I'm home!" He yelled stepping into the house. He threw his bag on the floor.

"Hey bro! How was school?"

Louis was really reminding him of a mom at this time.

"Meh ... okay I guess"

"Great ... uhm. He called again"

Zayn was quiet.

"Zayn he really needs you"

"Louis ... "

"I know. I know it's hard. But you can at least give him a call"

Zayn nodded.

"Will you give him a call?"

"I'll try" Zayn trailed off.

"No. You've been dogidgin this since we got out. There are some things you have to face Zayn"

"But I really don't want to ... "

"I've never seen two people so in love as you two were ... except me nd Liam of course. So please he'll go crazy without you. Just call him"

"Okay fine! I'll call him right now"

"Thank you!"

Zayn went upstairs into his room. He jumped on his bed and pulled his phone out of the pocket.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2020 ⏰

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