Moving out

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Zayn woke up with a killer headache. He was lying on the floor of their cell, right where Harry threw him last night.

It was a bit dark in the room but you could see the morning dawn.

Zayn tried to slowly stand up. The first three tries didn't do it, but in third time he managed to get on his feet.

He saw Harry was still asleep on his bed.

This fucking dick.

His life in prison got even more hell-like since he got here. But Zayn was not gonna let him ruin his entire life.

Harry was sleeping shirtless and his orange shirt was thrown on a chair in a croner of their room.

Zayn quetly took his knife and grabbed Harry's orange shirt. He cut it in two pieces, so Harry couldn't wear it. In prison you'd get in trouble if you weren't wearing the clothes they gave you.

Zayn smiled.

If Harry want's to be a rude dick he knew how to play this game.

With his kinfe he unlocked the cell and quietly got out.

Some of the prisioners were already here. Most of them knew how to get out of their locked cell, but the staff kept looking away when they did it so they didn't have to deal with this problem.

"Hi" Zayn greeted as he reached their table. Justin was already there, smoking a cigarette.

"What happened to you?" Justin asked.

"Harry and I got into a fight"

"Agan?" Justin smirked.

Zayn nodded. He didn't exactly know what he looked like, because there was no time to go look himself into a mirror, but he asumed it looked bad.

"You should take care of your arm at least" Justin pointed out.

Zayn didn't even notice he was still bleeding a little from his wrist.

"Oh shit!" He gasped and got up to get the bandages.

Justin just chuckled and dragged on the bat again.

Zayn got to the medical island they had in the dayroom and took care of his wrist. He looked into the mirror above the stand with stuff. The damage didn't look that bad. He had a puple eye a few scratches, but nothing serious that he hasn't had before.

As he was wrapping the bandage around his wrist he heard a loud angry scream from his cell.

There it is! He thought to himself and smiled.

"MALIK!!!" The scream shook the whole dayroom.

"Ooh man! It's about to get interesting again" an inmate said smiling at Zayn.

Zayn kept wrapping his bandage until he was done.

He saw Harry coming out of their cell.


Zayn liked whar he was seeing, but he didn't show that.

He looked Harry right into his eyes, which got greener as he was angry.

"What is this?!" Harry asked holding the two halves of his shirt in front of Zayn looking pissed.

"It's your shirt Styles" Zayn said with no emotion.

"Why is it cut in half?!" Harry shouted into his face.

"I don't know man. You tell me it's your shirt" Zayn kept provoking.

You look good in orange [Zarry💚💛]Where stories live. Discover now