Sunday,April 5

4 1 0

2:12 am

Honestly am I making a mistake should I let her go. But I guess that's the thing about toxic friends you can't. I already left but I still miss her. The hours we would spend on he phone blabbing about the dumbest things. But she was bad for me. I could never be with her anymore she lied to me. Why would she like to me I thought what we had was special jayjay(her nickname) shit Everytime I say that name It used to make me happy now it makes me mad, Sad,disappointed honestly did you think it was okay for you to do this thing to me. I HAVE THESE THOUGHTS NOT YOU YOUR JUST A WANNA BE. AN ATTENTION SEEKER ITS BECAUSE OF YOU THAT EVERYONE THINGS IM LOOKING FOR ATTENTION
Your too toxic for me...

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