Saturday,April 18

7 1 0

I've just now realized that all of my so called friends hate me. Since I'm overweight they like to make fun of me one of them said the ugliest girls always have this(I won't say what it is) when she said that she looked directly at me (u can't tell me she wasn't I was right beside her) and even talking to they covered my nose and to.see.if I do breathe out my nose(I do) how am I supposed to breathe out my nose if your nasty as finger in the way. Then she laughed at me for giving my opinion and said it doesn't matter. Honestly it doesn't rlly matter anymore if when I go back to  school it'll all just happen again.
"If I could burn this town I wouldn't hesitate to smile while you suffocate and die"- I DONT KNOW HOW THEY FOUND ME BUT THEY DID

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