Day Two

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Dear April,

I watched you leave your house today.

I wondered where you were going. I thought you were probably going to meet up with a few friends... or go to the park were we met and officially became best friends.

I wasn't expecting you to turn in the direction of my house and make your way to my front door. I especially wasn't expecting you to drag me out of my house the minute you saw me.

You were so happy. You had the brightest smile and you kissed my mother on her cheek when you saw her. You even asked where my dad was because you actually care about us.

I'm being selfish, aren't I?

I have a wonderful friend, a wonderful family, but I'm still being self fish.

I hope you understand where I'm coming from when the times comes, April.

With much love (from the bottom of my sorry heart),

Dear April |✔|Where stories live. Discover now