Day Nineteen

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Dear April,

We met up again.

I needed to see you, really. I needed to feel happy.

We did the usual; play on the swings, go to the play house and sit and talk then go to the bench that's facing the beach and stare into the sunset.

But something happened and this time it actually happened.

We kissed.

We kissed, April.

I couldn't be any happier. I finally got to taste your lips. I finally got to caress your cheek whilst my fingers tangle in your hair and you lean closer to me, your breast resting against my chest.

You were so warm.

I felt safe.

But nothing lasts forever, remember?

You freaked out and pushed me off of you...

Why did you do that? I thought you wanted this as much as I wanted it.

You told me something...

Scratch that, you killed me with one word.


You told me that you had a boyfriend and that the two of us shouldn't be doing this.

Why didn't you tell me? Was I not your best friend? I thought we told each other everything. So why didn't you tell me?

I understood, though. I didn't want to come between the two of you.

That's why I got up and left you at the park.

With much...

Dear April |✔|Where stories live. Discover now