Day Ten

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Dear April,

Nothing lasts forever.

I learnt that the next day.

I was crying. I was a mess. I was so close to losing my sanity until you showed up. You asked what was wrong, but I didn't want to tell you.

But when you said, "You're my best friend and will forever be my best friend. I'll always be there for you."

And then you said my name, God, when you said my name I nearly lost it. You made my name sound like heaven and I had no idea how.

I had no choice but to tell you everything. From the night my father yelled at me to the second you asked me what was wrong.

When I was done, you hugged me. You hugged me like you had never seen me in decades. You hugged me and absorbed every negative energy emanating off of me. You took it like it was meant to be for you and not me.

I lost all feelings but one at that moment, and that feeling was love. You made me feel loved that day...

Thank you, April.

With much love,

Dear April |✔|Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora