Day Sixteen

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Dear April,

You didn't come back.

But that's okay because I saw my mom.

She ended up cleaning up my room whilst I was asleep. When I woke up, she was still there and when she saw me, she started crying. She looked worse than I was. She had bags underneath her eyes and she looked so tiny, so fragile.

When she hugged me, she was shaking violently. She was choking on her own tears. I had to calm her down and be the mom that night. I had to hug her and put her head on my shoulder. I had to tell her that everything was going to be okay when we both knew it wasn't. I had to be the person she was supposed to be and that's all because of him.

He did this to us.

He ruined everything.

With much hate (not towards you),

Dear April |✔|Where stories live. Discover now