Chapter 1

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     "Draco," Father started, "you know your role as Malfoy heir." Cue the internal eye roll. How could I not when that's all he ever goes on about these days? I tried my hardest to not let out the sigh that was threatening it's way out.

     "Of course, father," I said dully, trying to not zone out. It was the same thing every time this conversation came into play.

"Draco, you must marry a woman and provide an heir."

      "Father, I understand what you're saying, but no."

      You see, I have yet to convince him that this isn't what I want. But as usual, it isn't about what I want; it's about what he wants.

"Draco, do please try and at least seem interested," father said with a sigh. His left hand came up to rub at the bridge of his nose.

Hmm. No, I'm quite good.

"Yes, of course," I drawled out, "let's sit here for the millionth time and discuss what you want from me, though you know for a fact it isn't what I want. Why won't you just let me be?" Lucius stared at me for a few seconds before cocking his head to the side slightly. A questioning look flitted across his face.

"Draco," Lucius started, "why are you so against this? I don't see what is so wrong with marrying a beautiful girl, producing an heir, and becoming the head of the Malfoy family. I did it, your grandfather did it, we all did; it's what is expected of us as a Malfoy, Draco. Think of the even greater wealth and prosperity it will bring to the Malfoy name and family!" And that's just the thing. I wouldn't mind settling down and starting a family. I just don't want to be married off to a stranger, or well a girl, for social and wealth status and an heir.

There should be more to a marriage than just benefits. And that's what I should have all said to my father. But instead, I panicked because my father wouldn't understand. He was raised, and raised me, to not think that there was nothing more important than wealth, status, and carrying on the Malfoy legacy. Too bad I defected. So instead of saying the truth, I blurted out something that even surprised me.

"I'm dating Harry, father. I can't very well marry a woman while committed to a man, now can I?" I could hardly hold back the choke of surprise that overtook me. Wonderful. Way to go Draco. You've really outdone yourself this time.

Screw when you accidentally set the white peacocks loose in the house and mother threw the biggest fit because her "precious antique vases and dishes that were old enough to be her great-great-great-great (and many more greats because honestly, mother was a bit over-dramatic) grandmother" could've been broken, and it was partially "all Lucius' fault because he's the one who wanted those god awful flightless birds in the first place".

Screw that one time Harry and you rode your brooms through the house and father almost throttled the both of you. And screw the time you both were paintballing and father got caught in the crossfire and was a second away from whipping out his wand and sending an 'Avada Kedavra' toward us both. Because this was probably going to be worst. Honestly Draco, great job. So what now am I supposed to do? I've basically just come out to my father, even if it wasn't under circumstances I'd have preferred. I could tell him I was joking. Though I don't quite think he'd appreciate my "joke..."

Excellent. Should I plan for my demise now or later? I think that if I beg Harry hard enough he'll put me out of my misery. Or just laugh at me. Yes... forget Harry; I'll ask Sirius. He wouldn't even bother to ask for details as to why I need to be demised. He'd just do it. Perfect. I wish I had more time to write a will. I'd be sure to leave all my potions books to Harry; he certainly needs them. Not to mention my clothes surely. I mean his style is absolutely horrendous. I'd leave my favorite teacup to mother as I know that she would be the only one to properly take care of it...

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